

Ask @bysfansite

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Hi! So I was wondering if you know where I can buy the RIVERIVER magazine that BAP is in? I kniw that the magazine is already kinda old but I still really want it! Thanks soooo much for all the hard work BYS has done!!!! BYS FIGHTING!!! ^^♡♡♡

Try Amazon.co.jp (you'll have to select "international address" at shipping) or ebay since Riverriver is sort of special in that it usually is only available at Japanese music stores ^^;;

Hi! I'm just wondering this as my friend kept telling me "It's the truth!" so I decide to just ask you as you know more about B.A.P than her. Is it true there's Mexican BABYz threw underwears to B.A.P when they perform at... MTV Mexico, if I'm not mistaken.

LOL IT'S TRUE unfortunately. It was Music Bank Mexico recently that lots of bras and panties got thrown up and they had to tell fans to stop.
For future reference Babys, I'm pretty sure B.A.P does not want your undergarments in any shape or form ^^

i miss BAP's old style like warrior power and no mercy. it was more hip hop and unique. why hav they changed so much?

If they released 12 copies of Warrior would you be happy then? ^^;;; lol People say this about EVERY artist/musical genre; B.A.P is still unique with their own sound, but if they never evolved or explored new expressions of their art then both them and Babys would be bored out of our skulls.

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Actually, I don't quite understand wth other BABYz start talking about disband when TS obviously stated that they'll only rest? Or is it bcoz lately there's lots of SM idol groups disbanded? Don't u think they're too dramatic? -_-

Because a lot of Babys are super, ridiculously reluctant to believe anything TS says ^^;; *shrugs* I dunno, sometimes TS can be weird and secretive but that's business and that's life ^^;;; Of course it'd be nice if they revealed more to prevent needless panic that happens when things get cancelled or members are absent, but really they're running a business as well.
Liked by: Mariaam

bonjour, une fan a suggéré de trouver une heure pour que les fans de kpop du monde entier puissent voter en meme temps. vous serait il possible d'organiser ceci avec les fanbases du groupe pour qu'on puisse passer le mot ensuite ? en dehors de vote4bap nous sommes un peu éparpillés ^^'

Nous avons des mass voting ici: http://www.bapyessir.com/2014/09/bap-is-one-of-4-confirmed-nominees-for.html
En dehors de ça, je doute que les autres fandoms veuillent voter à des heures précises, c'est déjà beaucoup qu'ils votent pour B.A.P ^^
Liked by: Mariaam

hi, may i ask if bap is going to get an award for the best korea act or they are not getting anything if they failed in the world wide act? i am so sorry but i didn't mean to day they will fail, just wanted to know

I'm pretty sure that Best Korean Act and Best Japan/Korea act are just like preliminary categories to narrow down nominees for Best Worldwide act, so I don't think there is actually an award for those ones ^^;;
Liked by: Mariaam

Is B.A.P ATTENDING the EMA's? :D and also I actually honestly believe they're merely on a break and nothing much more than that. I never once suspected TS (bc they're definitely not like SM ahem) so yeah I hope and have full faith that everything's just fine. :')

We don't know if they are attending yet ^^
And yeah, at this point we can't do anything but wait and hope they get some rest so let's do that XD

i keep tangle up right now. people said if bap won phase 2 on ema, they gonna attend the award ceremony. but then some people saying that they need to win phase 3 to go there. can u explain it to me.

Well I'm pretty sure whoever wins this phase 3 is the actual winner of the award ^^;;;
Whether they go to the ceremony or not is up to them and their company though, regardless if they win or not ^^

BYS PLEASE;;;;; we need to create a tag like #SupportBAPonEMA or other to try make this a worldwide trend, the kpop fandomare all in twitter.. they gonna see for sure. please exotics did this go go go

*whispers* That didn't help Exo win though ^^;; Not trying to be rude, just an observation. Anyway, I haven't see a new hashtag but I HAVE seen Babys posting on SNS, forums and other places asking others to vote. Maybe we should all attach #MTVEMABAP to each and every tweet we do ^^
Liked by: Mariaam

What categories have B.A.P been in for the Emas?

phase 1: Best of Korea, phase 2: Best of Japan/Korea, now phase 3: Best Worldwide Act
Liked by: Mariaam

Will the website inform you whenever we reach 100 votes? :o I mean for EMA. :)

I haven't seen any "100 vote" limit yet when I've been voting O___O;;
Liked by: Mariaam

I just saw Daehyun's resent tweet, and the translation is this: "There is a lot I want to say but my belief will never change. I will do my best tomorrow. Thank you very much. baby" I may be late of lost but what does he mean by that? Daehyun is not my bias but my best friend's, is he leaving?

.......how do you get "is he leaving" from that tho? *shrugs* His "belief" could be that they need this rest, that they need to recharge, that aliens are responsible for stealing the left socks out of washing machines, that gnomes come to life and play table tennis at night....
And whatever it is he says he'll do his best and thank you Babys ^^

Why do people call Daehyun Busan Wonbin?what does it mean lol

I actually didn't know either when I joined this fandom, but I guess it's because he looks like a really attractive guy named Wonbin, and since Dae is from Busan = Busan Wonbin ^^;;
Liked by: Mariaam

I've pre-ordered BAP's first Jap album through CDJapan, but now that the release date has been postponed...what do I do? I don't need a refund or anything right? They'll probs send it when BAP return after a hard earned rest...

If it's like most sites (I've never ordered through CDJapan) it will just keep your order as a pre-order, or just cancel it. You'd have to check the actual shipping/ordering FAQ on the site, but if you haven't paid any money then you don't really have to do anything ^^

do you know wich songs will be in the full japanese album of bap. well if they will still release it.

They only said the title tracks of their J-singles so far, the rest is a mystery ^^;

It's not an obsession. Why do you have to label my love like that? I know the way I feel towards them is more intense than most ppl. But I'm not hurting them. I'm not a sasaeng. I won't try and intrude their privacy. I won't force them to look at me. I just can't live without them. What is wrong?

I never once called you a sasaeng, I always fear for ANYONE who seriously says they "would die" without someone/something in their life. I'm not worried about you intruding in B.A.P's life, I'm worried about YOU and your life, like I just hope you're exaggerating about "dying" if B.A.P was on a break or something, please take care of yourself is all I ask ♥


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