

Ask @bysfansite

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I'm sorry. I'm just so worried for them. They're all I have. They keep me sane. They're the only thing that can put a smile on my face when it feels like no one cares. Their my idols and my aspirations. I can't do anything without them. Without them I would die. I'm scared.

Ok, I understand how important B.A.P are to you, but you're kind of scaring me; They're resting, please rest as well and focus on the happy fact that maybe now they can relax and refresh and live like normal human beings for a while and eventually come back even more amazing♥
Seriously, talking about dying without B.A.P scares me quite a bit, if you honestly feel that way can you please talk to some family or friend, caring co-worker or doctor? We all love B.A.P but there is a line between love and admiration and obsession, please take care.
Liked by: Mariaam Arab_Kpop

Let's just have faith and trust in B.A.P and TS ent.. i think they just over do it with their activities and schedule.. i'm sure everything will be resolve in the best way they can do.. just keep on supporting Babyz

Agreed. If there are larger problems we WILL hear about them in future but why cause MORE problems by freaking out all over the place ^^;;; So yeah let's keep showing B.A.P our love even when they are on their break after this ♥
Liked by: Mariaam

nope. but thank you and to all admins from BYS and all the strong babys out there too! ;)

B.A.P have that awesome power to make even the whimpiest of us tough and strong ♥ So we have them to thank for that ♥
Liked by: Mariaam

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What is your opinion about annoying Babyz? TS, some media, B.A.P, fan pics are all showing they are alright but annoying babyz still want to suspect something wrong. Annoying babyz and haters made the rumours keep on expanding. Miss old days baby fandom.

Well let's not be too harsh...I know it's stressful when people just CANNOT ACCEPT official announcements and NEED TO FIND ANY OUNCE OF POSSIBLE IN A MILLION YEARS DRAMA, but what can you do? Just ignore stuff like that because drawing attention to and sharing rumours/theories really only makes them spread faster.
And I've been called an annoying Baby a lot so there are all views on this sort of thing lol ^^;;;
Liked by: Mariaam

i dont even care about what others are saying about the disbanding thing but because of you admins from team BYS i trusted in every words you've said telling babys not to believe in any of those rumors unless it is confirmed and had already made clear from the company itself

T3T Really though, we have no reason to believe things unless they come from official sources since everyone and their sister's-cousin's-mother's-parakeet can make up theories on why B.A.P scratched their nose in a 1 minute long interview. So thank YOU for being a reasonable and logical human being XD
...unless you are an alien. Then I apologize for not recognizing your intergalactic status ♥ then you are a reasonable and logical intergalactic being ♥
Liked by: Mariaam

i think it is good thing for tsent to give BAP some break. i still can believe that they will have to have a very long hiatus but not disbanding. nope,it will never work unless if they want to retire. because retiring and disbanding are two different meaning. and so is hiatus.

Well I hope they just finally get the rest they need because I know I couldn't work for like 3 years straight with no break O___O;;
Liked by: Mariaam

Is the Korean EMA's held separately from the US ones? Because on kr.ema's the categories show U.S artists. So is the US ema's going to be held in US and Korea in Korea? Or is it all as one?

Right now they need to narrow down the nominees for Best Worldwide act which is why we have been madly voting for B.A.P ^^ it is just one event in Glasgow ^^

i bet theres something going on, but ts did well by covering it.

Oh yeah, you mean Junhong's slow transformation from sweet maknae into a muscular man? Yup TS got right on that and covered it up.
Lol sorry, but really we can theorize until our hair falls out but it won't make any of those theories true ♥

BYS, is music bank mexico gonna be aired at kbs world channel tmr?

I don't think they usually air these events live, but probably give it a few days or so and they should, usually at least ^^;;

this is quite nonsense but i think even bap themselves vote for ema. lol.

I'm sure they do too lol, maybe there's a dedicated team at TS that just sits at their desks voting all day XD

Why do you never reply to my question ㅠㅠ Are they just not interesting or... ? ==

Um, we answer questions that we haven't answered recently before that are related to B.A.P and are not rumor-mongering, they don't have to be "interesting" but they do have to be relevant and not answered 20 times in the past few days ^^;;;; Sorry if we don't answer them but we get a lot of asks and sometimes we get like 10 of the same one in a day ^^;;;
Liked by: Mariaam

Where did Daehyun mention that he stopped working out because some BABYs disliked his muscular arms?

It's in a few interviews, do you need the specific ones? ^^;;;;
Liked by: Mariaam

how come none of the BAP members made a post on SNS about their 1000th day? they used to always make posts about important dates like that and i'm scared they are hiding away because they are sad or angry :(

We're not B.A.P so we don't know ^^;; Just because they didn't tweet/post on SNS doesn't mean dire circumstances tho ^^;;
Liked by: Mariaam

As grateful as i am to TS for the hiatus, it only makes me more worried. what happened that was bad to the point of needing a sudden break? i'm worried that they are sick and unhappy. I'm not scared they will disband, that's not the priority, i only worry about their health and well being.

How about promoting for almost 3 straight years? ^^;; I think anyone would need a break more than a few days long after that. Like how many of us could work ridiculous hours non stop for years while hardly seeing family or friends? B.A.P HAVE worked hard and DO need a rest, and until they actually tell us differently, I just think they do just need a real rest.

Hello ^^ Can you help me please...do you know how to level up in B.A.P fansites, or maybe each member sites? Cause i want to see some extra content :c

I know some fan sites have different level up systems, like some ask for Korean SIN number or something? link us the fan sites you want to level up in and maybe we can help a bit? ^^
Liked by: Mariaam K.L

I might be fooling around a little bit while asking things which are unrelated to BAP but BYS like this. But it seems to me that the one who is answering, you are a little tired right? I'm worried about your health condition too! Please take a rest if you need one. ♡♡

Both of us are pretty tired T3T lol thank you for the concern, but let's focus on supporting B.A.P instead XD

May I ask who are in charge of replying BYS's ask? Normally I read answers from Isa or Nicole. Are there anyone else? :X :X

Nope! Just us ^^
Liked by: Mariaam

I asked you a question and forgot to answer back - sorry t.t I'll be in Korea from late February to early July, do you think BABY III will be opened at that time ?

Yes, the registration will begin this fall
Liked by: Mariaam

I respect with TSEnt decision!i can take this issue but NOT the disbanding rumours. As long as no conflict between B.A.P and TS. I will support, even many backfire will be coming soon from haters. BYS,BAP,baby,ts lets stay strong. We can go through this!

Agree!!! Let's ignore rumors and focus on the most important: B.A.P's well-being and support of their music!

How do you enter bap fansigns?

You have to buy the group's most recent album in a specific store in Korea, and the album will contain a lottery number. If your number is chosen, you will be able to attend the fansign and have BAP to sign your album. All the instructions are posted on the fancafe anyway :)
Liked by: Mariaam

What do you think regarding TS's latest announcement. It doesn't seems like a normal thing to do considering the concert is a week away. Not to sparks any controversy but I feel like it does have to do with all these issues that we're picking up (Daehyun etc) Nevertheless I'm glad they're resting :)

I think Himchan (or another member) was maybe hospitalized or something because he was over-tired and it became dangerous for his health. But this is just speculations. We don't know if there was another reason behind all these cancellations. But it really seem related to the boys' conditions (because they also postponed the release of their Japanese album).
Liked by: Mariaam


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