

Ask @bysfansite

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omo, did B.A.P had a secret filming show at MBC broadcast station recently? They met Shimshimtapa Radio PD-nim at MBC main door. They can't be so randomly appeared in MBC station right? genuinely hoping for a new surprise show of them at MBC!..

We won't know until official pics/videos will be released!
Liked by: Camille

Question! where can I get 30000 miles cheapest because I really wanted it but when I was at Incheon Airport they happened to have it but for 70000 won!?!? I'm from the US and am thinking best price is online but I don't know where :/

Kpoptown or Kpopmart should be the cheapest, around 30 USD for the DVD and about 15 USD for shipping

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Thanks for the reply about Yongguk :) I just thought it was really odd because the Starcast shots seemed to be edited so that you don't even see Yongguk consistently in the full group shots. Since all the boys were tired and Yongguk was still smiling his gummy smile, I wondered if something happened

It's ok, but really, we all need to realize we will never be able to decipher the inner workings of TS, B.A.P group dynamics or members' thoughts no matter how closely we scrutinize these videos lol ^^;; We all need to just calm down, seriously
Liked by: Sou Melian

what are the past charity projects you've done? i want to introduce them to my school (we do a lot of charities) even though we probably won't be able to donate in the name of B.A.P (we dont have a lot of B.A.P fans..;;) but in my heart we will be bc B.A.P and BYS introduced this to us <3

Oh my gosh bless you, let's do all we can to make the world better ; 3;)♥
Liked by: bluesky

Where do i leave comment for B.A.P's giveaway fans?

Could you be a bit more specific, which giveaway do you mean? ^^

Can you please give me the link to the most recent fan cafe and naver making how too? I don't know how >^< thanks!

http://www.bapyessir.com/p/links_3.html Everything should be on this page, just scroll down and click on the tutorial links for fan cafe ^^ Do you mean making a naver account for doing naver attacks or...?

Hello :D I'm sorry to ask this...but do you know where can I find this video ''2nd love letter for official Babyz'' (that video which B.A.P shared on their fancafe, where Daehyun appeared with black hair for he 1st time this year) ? Because I watched it weeks ago, but now I just can't find it :'(

If you are Baby 2 you can see it on the fan cafe, otherwise we can't link you since it's not supposed to be shared outside the fan cafe, sorry

Hey is this website an official international fan site sanctioned by the TS Entertainment?

Nope ^^ Just their official Korean and Japanese sites, plus the members own SNS accounts. Fansites are all just that; fan sites ^^

Do you know if Bang Yong Guk was ever been in a relationship before?

I think he said he was in 3 past relationships but I may be remembering wrong *shrugs again* ^^;;

Is there a reason Yongguk barely appears in the recent Starcasts? He's always been camera-phobic but now it's like he isn't even there at all...

Check the most recent episode of B.A.P Attack it's full of smiling happy dorky Yongguk ^^ He was probably just being quiet so got no camera time for star cast *shrugs*

i can't find the app for the inkigayo voting in the app store(i have an iphone) is there another name for it or another place to vote for them other then apple devices?

The app only appear to have one name
"엠앤TV톡 - 방송참여"

what is the title of the book that yjay is reading on coffeeshop mv?

The five people you meet in heaven
By Mitch Albom

in the recent star navercast thing himchan mentioned he started rooming with jongup right. so this means they've upgraded their dorm? or is this too much of a personal question? I'm just curious to whom they're currently sharing rooms with :))

Many Babys think they upgraded dorms since they used to share one room for sleeping, so it seems like they have new roommates ^^
Liked by: Arab_Kpop Camille

where does B.A.P chat on the fancafe ? do i have to be level 2 to chat with them ?

You can be any level (I believe) you just have to click the link next to the little orange "on" by the online members box, but you can only chat with B.A.P (they will show up as level 4 if you can't read the hangul) when they are online and they usually only take a certain number of Babys into their chat ^^;; I've only been in a chat with Daehyun once but there were so many people since he announced it on twitter beforehand lol. Lately the boys seem to be doing chats more sneakily so you'll have to just keep checking the fan cafe to see if they're online ^^

What song did Himchan Play with his Guitar on instagram? or his self composed one? right after BBang posted a short clip of his composing on instagram. is that a hint that this parent of B.A.P are collaborating for future new album?

I didn't recognize what Himchan was playing, but we won't know until they tell us or release something ^^ Honestly though, these boys are the kind of artists who make music in their FREE time so they might just be having fun ♥ Either way, these are personally my favourite kind of SNS updates from them lol ^^;;
Liked by: Camille

Hello~ if i pre-ordered from tower records will i be able to get the poster or do i have to buy it from the actual store ?

You will get the poster both ways :)
Liked by: Qaee

hello :) .. do you know something about the giant matoki giveaway? Is there already a winner or isn't it over yet?

It's already over :(

did bap come to weekly idol 3rd anniversary? if they come, when will it be broadcast?

No they haven't


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