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Zelo is closest of youngjae or not ? Because before he said no ! :/ and daeyun ?

Can we just say that all of B.A.P is relatively close?
lol they've known each other/been a group for years now so the dynamics of their relationships might change along with who they are closest too, plus it's impossible for us to see their private interactions ^^ Just seeing their interactions and reading interviews, Zelo seems closest with Jongup (similar ages/goof off when sharing rooms [see LOE Pacific tour Japan Memory cut lol]/their "galaxy/space" conversations, work on B.A.P dances together, etc.), and Zelo & Yongguk have this sweet, father/son or mentor relationship ^^

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are you ever see or speak boys?

A LOT of us have seen them at concerts/events lol, I (Nicole) only said a couple words to them in person though ^^;; Other BYS staff has too either at events or when they ran into them during tours

can i know what happened to daehyun at brazil? n what happen to yongguk, youngjae n zelo during Nagoya n Osaka Japan Attack?

In Brazil, (whether it's true or not I don't know, we only know what the girl shared on SNS), a girl "accidentally touched Daehyun's private area" during the meet and greet, and it SHOULD have ended there BUT she also put it on twitter mentioning it TO DAEHYUN so it became a huge issue, even making some foreign kpop news :( Yongguk was hugged by a Baby in Nagoya when he came down from the stage for "Crash" when members go in the crowd (I was pretty far away that day so I honestly wasn't sure at the time if he hugged or was hugged, but it's Yongguk so...^^;;), Zelo had the same thing happen to him but actually looked very uncomfortable and the other members avoided the area where it happened when they were off stage for "Crash." I don't know about Youngjae though, I only know for Fukuoka they said his ankle was hurt and that he looked in pain, but he seemed fine in Nagoya. I didn't see anything about incidents with Youngjae in Osaka though...

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Liked by: Park Sung Neul

If I'd send a gift to B.A.P (e.g shirt, shoes, caps, bracelet or other accessories) is it possible that they will receive it? ^^ if yes, where should I address it?

All the info is on our http://www.bapyessir.com/2014/01/biography-career.html page at the bottom ^^ It is possible! We've seen them wear gifts we and others have sent to TS ^^ But keep in mind how many gifts they get and that they can't show them all off so it's not always possible to 100% know if they got it ^^;;

I love BAP and I love BYS! <3 you guys are great! I was wondering if you were hiring?

Omo we love you too!!! ♡
If you can translate English>Japanese and/or vice versa then YES we are hiring XD

Both link u gave me didnt hv fancam where jongup singing a high note in fukuoka. Where is it? :c

Maybe no one got it filmed? ^^;; Fancams are just that, fans with cameras so if there is a security card coming or their camera gets bumped or someone next to them screams "YOUNGJAE YOU FLUFF BALL I LOVE YOU!!" they will have problems with their video ^^;;

jpn warrior begins dvd,is it out yet?

It's release has been cancelled, there is no release date scheduled.

With so many magazine stories about BAP how will you know what information is true?

Usually the magazines I've seen have Interviews with B.A.P though? ^^;; So if you don't believe that information, who will you believe really lol....

How mant times can we post for the giveaway? (If we can post multiple times do we have to send in multiple applications?)

Only one application, but you can post the giveaway's infos as many times as you want

Hi, do i have to post the picture like everyday to win ??? Is it going to give me more chance to win ????

Not really, but it can help to post it more than once since we have more chances to see it when we'll check ^^
Liked by: BYSDana banana

If I want to win the album, do I send in my entry for giveaway after all the photocards' winners are announced?

If you'd like to, yes ^^

Hi , I was wondering how can I send something to B.A.P and to make sure they will receive .. Will be better If I send from a fanbase ? ( BYS) . I just want to send a letter lol , but I want to make sure they will receive it , so could you help me ? thank you ~~

You can mail your letter to TS building directly!
You'll find their address there: http://www.bapyessir.com/2014/01/biography-career.html
Although it's never 100% sure that they'll receive it. The best way is still to give it directly to the boys, but we don't encourage this unless it's at a fansign.
Liked by: ana leticia pina

Do you know where I can find the recording take 1 and 2 photobooks? I can't find them anywhere ; ;

Try Ebay! But for Recording Take 1, they're out of print and really rare, I am searching for one since 2 years >>

I've tried to level up 4 times, and I've been unsuccessful for each of them (obviously). I've written out my answers exactly as you have them in the tutorial. Everything SHOULD be correct. But on my most recent one, all they wrote was 2번, 7번, 8번. They're saying those are wrong, yes? I don't get it.

Yeah, something's wrong at those 3 questions (sorry I hate when they just say the question #, it's like BE MORE SPECIFIC PLS XD)

About the giveaway, even tho a winner os already announced we don't hafta fill up/renew the form we passed right? And, I only put my nickname on the form, is that ok?

That's right! You still have your chances as long as the giveaway is not ended! And yes, your nickname is fine :)

How do u pick the winner of ur giveaway? do u do a random draw on our forms or are the shared posts involved too? just curious.. aheh BYS Fighting!

By random draw on google sheet, but the shared post are took in consideration

Can we post the giveaway's infos as much as we want to or is there a limit?

There's no limit, but you can only submit the form once


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