

Ask @bysfansite

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Have you downloaded bap where are you? What are you doing? Song???? Where did you download it??

I've just been watching the mv on youtube to get the views up, to be honest ^^;;
Liked by: celest

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Do you have any staff in taiwan who can help me buy matoki doll,,, if she can help me i want her email please,,, thank you^^

is there a reason the staff have to be in Taiwan? I thought the matoki dolls are available from ts e-shop...can you give me a bit more info about what you need help with? ^^;

i forgot what video but do you know where to buy that cute bunny travel pillow that zelo wore? the one with the little bunny hood? it's soooooo cute

i think that was one of the B.A.P attacks :) I know they sell things like that in Japan amd obviously Korea as well but try looking online?
Liked by: potato

sometimes, i feel like jongup is underrated and not much people pay attention to him. but hes like one of my ultimate biases in the entirety of kpop. what are your thoughts on jongupie? hes just so adorable.. =-=

I think a lot of Babys get mad when Jongup doesn't get the recognition he deserves since he is an INCREDIBLE dancer and his vocals are just improving so fast and he sounds amazing and what was the question because I just started to fangirl I'm sorry XD

How often do bap have mention parties on twitter ?

lately with their new releases: they did with 1004 as well since the more we mention/retweet/like B.A.P member accounts/tweets and use their #bap_whereareyou hashtag, the more sns points they get which help them on korean charts :)

My question about putting the playlist on pause... I'm not sure exactly either because the link with the tutorial said something about it so I'm just confused about that.

It's put "history" on pause I think, isn't it? ^^ this helps with view counts, but still clear your youtube history after a few playlist plays just to be safe :)

Dear, will you take order for LOE Japan goods? ^_^

no, Sorry I (nicole) did last year but I just don't have the tine this year, sorry DX
Liked by: potato

Were you happy with how the mentioning party turned out? Did any admins get mentioned ;)? I didn't :(

One of our Japanese translators got a reply from Himchan ^^ that seriously made my YEAR because our translator Julie is one of the sweetest people EVER, so I was super happy for her and everyone who got replies :)

Hi, I know TS said that the album release has been changed from June 3rd to 10th, did they mention anything about there still being the signed versions for LOE Japan? At least for the later tour dates like Osaka & Chiba?

not sure, but seems like if it is delayed the earliest it'd be available would be from Nagoya dates the 10th and 11th...no notices from Japan HP yet though...

If the album was delayed, does this mean they won't be selling the autographed album at their Fukuoka concert?

it seems like that if the album is delayed, but they haven't released any info on japan hp about it....

On Youtube, when we use the playlist method to increase views, what does putting the playlist on pause do?

not sure what you mean, putting the video on pause or?

I'm the one who asked help for making acc in tseshop and I am from Japan ! I just dont know where to put my address haha you'll have to place 'overseas' right and then idk anymore

try clicking on the japan flag to go to the japan side of the eshop, you can prob enter your address more easily that way

If the project for BAP's 1000th day has more than a hundred entires, will you still accept the rest? :(

we will accept as many as possible, yes!

hey i was wondering if i can still apply to become a level 2 in the bap daum cafe

of course, you can apply for level 2 anytime :)


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