

Ask @bysfansite

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Have b.a.p ever appeared on hello counselor? Sorry but how does sneer and exo look in real life ? B.A.P Live On Earth wish u guys good luck and success ;)

Nope never ^^

Hi ^^ I just wanted to ask that do you know what are the payment methods for the tickets for the London or Düsseldorf concerts? Do you need a credit card to buy the tickets? I've never bought any tickets to any concerts so I don't know... :c

Probably credit card yes

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Hi, I paid for my 2기 Baby membership through bys and also have provided mailing infos. I got your confirmation email that you've reposted the memo in the fancafe. So now will I get another confirmation from TS or bys if the payment is confirmed? my email is r3ngg4n1s06@gmail.com

Please check few answers below ^^ We already answered that questions many times

i see that 2 tickets to main floor in chicago is still for sale on the website. but my boyfriend already bought 2 for mezzanine. is it possible to trade? what should i do? i really want main floor tickets ><

Mmh... You should try to sell those tickets and then buy main floor ones?

(sorry I accidently clicked enter and my question went through when I wasnt done typing it) I got tickets for BAPS LOE 2014 in NYC but I just figured out that it was 16+, do they ask for ID? I'm 13 turning 14 but I look older than my age with some makeup.

Haha I don't think they ask for ID, are you going with someone 16+ though?

For early entry tickets for NY I know you get to go in first, but are they going to separate them from the GA people? How much earlier do they get to go in than GA, a few minutes or like an hour? Also, which seat you got??

Few minutes. Early entry are in the same pit of GA people, but they enter first so they are in the first row

///were the seats on fronttt for chicago already reserved?? is there a way u know

Nope some people bought them ^^

I paid through BYS but haven't received any confirmation from TS yet...? I think you guys reposted on the note a few days ago..? Please advice~

Please check few answers below

Is there a problem if i pay for 2기 goods again via interpark? I'm afraid that they don't accept the payment via wire transfer (bys) and I lose the chance to get the goods :/

They accepted the payment via BYS, but they are checking each payment individually. That's why it takes so long.

Hi! Uhm, I haven't been on the computer much these few days so I was wondering if TS has confirmed your post about the shipping for the baby2 goods? (those that paid through BYS and re-sent our mailing info for you to re-post on the fancafe)

Not yet, there are delays since there are a lot of payment in it but it'll be confirmed soon!
Liked by: Rengganis

Btob B.A.P exo which group is more popular? Can b.a.p beat exo in international fandom ? Gamsamida ^ -^

That is hard to say, but I'd say that EXO is more popular than B.A.P, and B.A.P is more popular than BTOB.
I honestly have no idea who big is EXO's international fansite so I can't say anything about that

Can I know what happened to our BABY 2 confirmation? Has TS Ent confirmed our posts (the one you reposted)? Please update...

We will update as soon as it's done!
Liked by: Rengganis

Are any admins going to the LOE Chicago concert? ^^ Also, based on last year, how much were whistles?

Isa, Julie & Amee will be at the Chicago concert! They are 10 $

So for the tickets for chicago concert if we bought it through powerhouse it still counts right? Some ppl keep saying that we could only buy through ticketmaster? I'm confused! :(

It does count

Is the merchandise usually the same price as the Korean ones at the concert? For the ECO I saw the official one saying it's ~10 USD but a different site (yesasia) said it's ~20 USD

Prices can vary online, but it's definitely higher at the concert venue

Do we have to be 16 and up to go to loe alone? Because im going with a group of friends and im only 15

As long as you go with someone who is 16+, there's no problem :)

how i can buy ticket by internet ? I go to concert in Germany but i don't know where i cant pleasee help mee ;((

These informations will be announced this week

Salut!! Est ce que les tickets sont susceptibles d'être vendus très vite en France? Je n'ai jamais été en concert donc je ne suis pas habitué à acheter des tickets etc. ^^' Qu'est ce que vous me conseillez pour avoir les meilleures places? Merciii

Probablement oui ^^ Il y a pas vraiment de trucs, il faut avoir sa carte de crédit prête à l'avance, et être sur le site dès que la vente commence, puis avoir de la chance ^^

Please maybe make a note for concert in France specially for non-french Babyz: for those who take train or bus or airplane or anything, they have to note that May 1st is an holiday, which means prices are more expensive (and sometimes less train/bus/etc than usual day) ! :)

I think people will realize that when checking for prices haha ^^

Hey, i wanna ask why i havent receive my album yet? It has been 3weeks since u sent the email regarding the delivery, and i am worried sick. What if it never come? Thanks.

Please contact us at bysfansite@gmail.com

Did TS say anything about baby 2기 goods? I mean, is there a chance for them to accept the payment through wire transfer?

Yes! They already confirmed a lot of payment! It just takes a while for our group payment since there is a lot of payments in it ^^ It should be confirmed by next week!


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