

Ask @bysfansite

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what does sming mean? i read everywhere that we should sming but i don't know what it means... to the other fan below: i'm a swiss baby and i adore Angel(and the whole album)and actually stream for the first time (because i was too lazy before lol) team BYS you are awesome! thanks so much for all!<3

It's a project between BYS and a fanbase called BAPSming and other K-fans. Please wait for the details!

u said u alr hav ideas about countries to be included for loe2014 may i know which countries pls? thanks~!

Um sorry, but we'll keep this for us since we don't want to raise hopes.
They'll surely tour Asia again, USA and there's also high chances for Europe this time.

Thanks for the reply! Maybe not in terms of working together, but making sure your projects don't overlap? Like maybe bapsubbers takes the TV appearances, and BYS works on the radio.

I will contact them again, but not sure if they will change their mind...

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oh ok!! but i really have problems on upgrading to level2 ;; anyway, how much shall i pay then? i'll get ready for it might be quite expensive lol

It's about 30,000 won (~ 30 USD) all together ^^

Hi there BYS crew, it's a tons of works you guys are doing and I really thank you for that, not everyone would willing to do so. I read it some where some days ago, something "get well soon Daehyun & Zelo" I try to searched it but I found nothing. What happened to them? Thank you ♥

Thank you for your support!! ♥
And Daehyun & Zelo apparently caught a flu few days ago ^^

Hello!Thank you for your hard work :) Could you plz translate the top comments of this article about B.A.P (it has almost 4000 com.): http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=108&aid=0002281700 I would really appreciate it^I would like to know what knetizens think abt B.A.P

Well most people are saying congrats or they will get so popular but the comment by post**** says “who the hell are they? just go to the army before you get beat up” -_-)/

what are each members religion? xoxo

We know that Yongguk & Youngjae are christians, but the other member never talked about their religion

I think it's really nice of your team to sub BAP's interviews and wins, but I just feel like there's a lot of overlap with bapsubbers on YouTube. Which is a bit of a pity. Is there any chance of coordinating your efforts? Just a thought from a concerned BABY.

We already asked them for a partnership a while ago, but they prefer to work on their own :(

hi . do you know the list of countries bap are going to have their LOE 2014 at this year? miss them so much ^^

No we don't have a confirmed list, but we have some ideas of which countries they'll probably visit this time ^^

oh ok i think i understand, so correct me if im wrong hehe. when i want to upgrade to level 3, i need to pay right? so in accordance to that, i get the goods? so i can't get if im in level 1 and 2?

Yes! And yes, you get the goods too.
At the moment, you can't upgrade to level 3 since the registration for official BABY is closed until the 3rd generation that will begin in fall 2014

i feel that 1004(Angel) will not be well accepted in Germany or even Europe. Maybe German Fans (or European fans) are lazy to stream at youtube this time, the views are getting slower. Anyway let's hwaiting to increase views!

What do you mean it won't be "accepted"?
And yes, we need to focus on increasing the views the most!! It's more important than online votings!

Hello do you maybe know why bap is not performing much on music shows with angel they have only performed for like three times as far as i know((could you maybe post all the show performances till on now??

They just didn't perform on Mnet yet, but they participated in all other music shows ^^ There are music shows on Fridays and week ends, so from Monday to Friday there's nothing at all, maybe that's why you feel like they haven't promoted much ^^
Here's the tag with their 1004 promos: http://www.bapyessir.com/search/label/kor:angel

j'ai utilisé #BAP1004 dans environ 2000 tweets Et #비애이피 dans 700 tweets Je regarde le MV en minimum 30 fois avec vos conditions Tout ça pour supporter b.a.p et c'est dûre ,quand est ce que je peux m'arrêreter ?? car je voudrais les supporter jusqu'a la fin de ce comeback Fighting isa ^^

Nori :3
Tu as répondu à ta question: continue comme ça jusqu'à la fin de la promotion. Ce que tu fais en ce moment c'est le meilleur moyen de les aider, mais aussi essaie de les introduire à plus de gens ^^

what happened with the Cd's ordered through BYS? I haven't got any information ㅠ.ㅠ

Nothing happened? ^^ lol sorry, we will email you as soon as the CDs are shipped, we're sorry for the delays but TSent sent the CD 5 days late

Doesn't that No attend no Win Policy at Mcountdown? If B.A.P does not going to promote Angel at This Music show, TBH Babyz should not try too hard. No.1 at voting will not make them No.1 overall. (unless they will promote there, there is still a chance).

I agree with you tbh, and we need to keep in mind that online votes only counts for 5%, while SNS points and sales counts for over 70% together... ^^
And you're right, as for now, they don't even promote on Mnet so it's kinda useless to vote for them at this point.

the first winner of first sensibilty giveaway was out, for the second winner must i fill up the form again or not?

Nope, you just need to keep sharing the giveaway post ~

For the Music Core text voting, does the 1 other artist we need to vote for have to be one of the other two candidates who are competing against B.A.P? I read this from another source. Also, for Inkigayo, for the 10% Real time voting (SNS or MV TV talk app, only for top 3), what is the SNS #? Thanks

Sorry, I'm not sure if I get the questions @.@ Can you explain it in another way?

I want to vote for B.A.P for Show Champion, but I forgot my password and I don't know what I have to do. Do you know what tot do?

I clicked on the ID/PW option above the login and it takes you here: keep that first circle selected, type in the name you used and your email and the green button. Or use a different email and sign up again ^^;;

LOVE what you guys do - day in day out! Thank you!! I came across this article about the boys on Billboard. Was it ever mentioned already? http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/k-town/5901108/bap-try-out-gospel-rock-on-1004-angel-new-genres-with-first

^3^ Love you~~ ♡ We posted a lot of articles, but this was more of a review and lots of Babys get mad when B.A.P is compared to other groups (like they are in TVXQ in that one lol) so we posted similar info from different articles ^^ Thank you though!!


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