

Ask @bysfansite

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for inkigayo voting, its very easy to get the app and sign up! just create your account with either gmail or yahoo. but before choosing your country, change the language to korean on your phone, and then it's extremely easy and fast!

This was not the case when I signed up lol. It would NOT let me register and I nearly pulled all my hair out before I finally got it working, but I hope more Babys were able to sign up as easily as you were ^^

muchas gracias vivo en japon solo que no sabia si estaba bien escribir mi nombre asi ya lo registre muchisimas gracias y como lei del fanmeeting que habra en osaka sabes cuando empieza la preventa ? o aun no lo dicen ?

Debemos saber la fecha de la venta pronto, pero no sabemos cuando BABY Japón dará a conocer la información ^ ^;;

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if i watch 1004MV on listenonrepeat.com will it still increase the views?

We really aren't sure; I tested listenonrepeat.com with another youtube video, and the views didn't go up. HOWEVER the views did go up a couple days later and there was very little chance of other people watching the video I used to test, but we really don't know.
With repeaters like that, it's best to have them running continuously when you're away from your computer/device (like at work or school) but whenever you can still search youtube -> watch 1004 -> search -> watch -> clear history/cookies method to be safe ^^

did bap date the staff before? i saw rumour bout them dating staff in the past. okay sorry if this is offensive to anyone. and feel free to ignore this question if you don't feel like replying, i'll understand :)

Who knows really, it's possible, but as always, it's not really our business ^^
Liked by: farhan khan

this was asked a plenty of times but i just don't get it. how do i order baby2 goods or for baby3 soon without being an official baby or not having an account on their official fancafe? or is it even possible? please make me understand by having a clearer explanation. thank you~

I don't think what you want to do is possible O_O;; To get Baby 2 goods you needed to register during the registration period (which is now over). Baby 2 goods are for official Baby, so you need to pay to become one but you can't now so you'll have to wait for Baby 3 which will be later this year...

is it true that yongguk reads fanfics of himself?

I KIND OF HOPE SO BECAUSE THAT'D BE HILARIOUS but I really doubt it, plus I doubt he has time to read much of anything being so busy

How many times did B.A.P won already in the Music Shows? =)) First is Show Champion then Music Bank (?) right?

Yes. There was no Music Core this week and they weren't on Mcountdown, so their next performance will be Inkigayo Feb. 16 (hopefully that will be their 3rd win ^^)

先日、来週のInkigayoの1位を狙うためDance ver.とオリジナルのMV 両方を視聴するようBabyzに声を掛けて欲しいとお願いしたのですが、今のBAPのDigital Salesでは来週の1位+候補に入るのはどう考えても難しくなりました。1位候補以外のMV Viewsの集計は明日16thまでなので来週の放送には今週のオリジナルMV Viewsのみ反映されます。でもInkigayoのSNS点に複数の公式MV Viewが合算されるのは事実なので、その点だけをInt babyzに伝えて貰えたらと思います。お忙しいところ何度も変更して本当にごめんなさい...

すみません、私の返事がだいぶ遅くなりました!Inkigayoなら、時間になったら、明日Intl Babyzでもsmsの票を送る事が出来そうだし、是非MVを何回でも観てほしいと今伝えます、そのぐらいだけどintl Babyzも手伝える事が頑張らないとですね。私たちは今K-Babysと一緒に協力している間なので、出来るだけ早めにintl Babyzの皆さんにもデジタルセールスを頑張って上がります、少々お待ち〜^^いつもB.A.Pを応援していて、愛されているB.A.Pのメンバーの為に詳しい情報を本当にありがとうございます、私たちも頑張りたいです^w^(そして、いつも私の変な日本語で、申し訳ありません!)

Hello~ ^^ I know that Inkigayo starts at 3.40PM KST.. do you happen to know what time it ends? ^^

It's usually 1-2 hours later

Are you guys currently subbing the recent radio shows and will you sub Sukira?

Yes we are! But other videos and articles keep popping from everywhere our translators are so done with our admins spamming them ^^; Please be patient!!

http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=sGolQ9LzbkY this is supposed to loop youtube videos and my best friend (she's a shawol and im #2 shawol after being #1 baby) claims that it helps views.... i haven't tested it but if you want to try it out please do -BABY ><

There's many sites like that like, but we're not 100% it really works, so we encourage Baby to continue to search B.A.P 1004 each time ^^

Why is it that whenever I am voting for Showchamp, the percentage of B.A.P decreases >^< And like the one for TAXI is the one getting higher, do u hav any idea? same goes for my other co-BABYs, we're getting worried to vote now coz of dat ;-; it might get lower &lower.

Hmm... that's weird... We've heard some rumors that MelOn deducts points when they detect foreign IP... but that was not about votes T_T We'll check that

what are they saying in korean after ''we are b.a.p yes sir'' ? I want to know how to say it and what it mean ^.^ ~~

They say "nice to meet you" (반갑습니다 / ban gop seum ni da)

Hi, I have a little doubt, if the BABY 2 기 membership expires, should I apply again for 3 기 BABY? GREAT JOB GIRLS :D

Yup ~

sorry, how to create another melon account using the same email? it says that the email has been used.. what should i do?

Please check few answers below ;;

Hi, ive installed the application for voting for inkigayo, but when i tried to register and choose my country (malaysia), but i couldnt find it, bcause i cant read hangul, can u please help me???

"Malaysia" is supposed to be "말레이시아에" in hangul ^^ Hope this helps lol


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