

Ask @bysfansite

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Do we have to have a Daum account for the official baby 2. I registered already (because I did have an account) but it's not letting me sign back in to my Daum account D:

No you don't NEED one, but if you are not level 2 on the fancafe, you can't level up to level 3/VIP members

Are there step by step instructions on how to level up on the fancafe? I can't figure out how to do it. Thanks :)

From level 2 to 3 or level 1 to 2? lol ^^;

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On the fanclub, I put my first and last name together. For example: BangYongguk, JungDaehyun. Is that okay or? It went through so..

Put a space between the words, otherwise they will print it like that on your fanclub card

Why are B.A.P in Beijing? What event they're having?

B.A.P will attend the 15th China K-pop Festival Nov. 25 in Beijing.

well i entred my address in french... will be there a problem?? i'm so confused right now T.T

Ils disent d'entrer nos infos en "English", mais ils veulent dire "romanized" XD Je crois que ça va aller. :)
Liked by: Rim Ben

Hi, I registered for the official baby 2 fanclub. I am at level 1 on the fancafe. Do I need to level up to level 2 to become a vip member? Or can I stay at level 1 and still get the vip level? And thanks for answering everyone's questions. I appreciate your hard work :)

Yes you have to be level 2. And no problem!! :)))

Hello so this isn't really a qn but... So I have never leveled up on the fancafe before but i'm apparently a lvl2 right now? is it because i applied for official baby2? is this normal o_O

No that's not normal at all... Actually fanclub members are supposed to be level 3. o_o Well they probably put you level 2 by "error", don't complain lol ^^

for baby 2, if the info (our adress, name and such) we gave when first signing up for it is correct, do we still need to click the "change shipping adress" and click complete to confirm it or is it ok to just leave it at that? because i get the error message about english charaters only all the tim

You can just leave it like that! They just wanted to make sure that everyone got their infos correct before starting shipping.

I wanted to confirm something about the official fanclub and stuff...So like... I don't need to be a part of fancafe to get my membership card etc? :D I tried to level up many times and there was always something wrong, so i stopped trying.

No you don't ^^

hi admin isa! um if my address for the BABY2 is like Blk 11 ABC Street then I've to type Blk11ABCStreet or w the space?

You can put it with space now, Interpark solved the problem ^^

yup. true,true. Stay true to yourself. Stick to your roots. without babyz,B.A.P won't go this further and without BYS team,we the babyz will be researching via google for more infos like cray,cray about the boys like non-stop! lol

So true! And well thanks for BYS thingy lol, that's so sweet!

Why didn't you post the update that TS gave on the fancafe? I was just wondering

What are you talking about? We posted everything we know... xD

Isa.. you are daebak!! You even give a respon to some troll questions.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ babys, dont troll here please.. we love bys.. <3

Lmao thank you sweetie ^^ We love you too!!

I hope all of you admins and bys staffs had enough rest. And thank you for your great effort although you say it's not that much. BYS~fightiiiiing!!!!!

We don't get enough sleep lol, but WHATEVEEEER ~~ We love working for you guys and B.A.P!!

Thank you for working hard! It's amazing how you guys do it! You guys are like BAP these days (you work very hard) You guys are great and I can't put into words how I appreciate your hardwork! Take care! <3

I showed this message to Nicole and we legit fangirled for 2 minutes XD
Thanks so much guys, you motivate us so much these days, that's so rewarding. ^^

do you know if the baby 2 goods will be sent as registered mail? so that you have to show ID when picking it up?


who is the biggest eater in B.A.P? is it Daehyun oppa or Himchan oppa? why in HanChu, B.A.P members said that Himchan oppa is the biggest eater? i thought it's Daehyun...

They both eat a lot and LOVE to eat too. But I think Daehyun is more obsessed by food than obsessed by eating... lol does it make sense? Himchan eat a lot, but at the same time he count the calories because he's/was on a diet.

I'm trying to apply for Level 2 in fancafe and got this as reply! 제목수정(띄어쓰기, 마침표확인)+글자색감은색+3반2곡빠짐+6반띄어쓰기금지, 느낌표금지 what does it mean? Thanks!

Please email us, as we're trying to figure out what TS changed for the application form. They recently changed it.

Babyz,please don't be sad. Just keep continuing what we/you all are doing. I look at other fandom's site and they still keep encouraging their idol groups. So,don't easily lose hope. Ok? Fighting,babyz!!!!! ;)

You're right! Let's always stay positive! Our main goal is to support B.A.P as much as we can, and that's we do!!


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