

Ask @bysfansite

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i tried to get to level 2 for bap's cafe daum and i got this message: 회원님은 현재 ☆ 준회원 이세요. 이 게시판은 ☆ 정회원 이상 읽기 가능해요. 등업신청 관련 게시판을 통해 신청하거나, 카페 활동을 열심히 하셔서 회원 등급을 올려보세요. im not to sure what this is telling me and i tried to translate it on google, it doesnt make sense-is this a good thing?

I dont think this is the reply of the admin on your application. Go back to your post and check if there's comment.

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Hello Isa! I have a question about the fancafe! Will we get an email or something to become level 3 or? Also, can I go straight from 1 to level 3 because of the membership or do I have to apply still? Kinda confused on how all of this works even after doing research! Thankyou! ^^

Yes you have to be level 2 first. You can find a tutorial on how to level up on the side bar of BYS.
Then you have to wait the announcement for level 3. TS will prob release the infos soon.

how can upgrade to level 3 after applied for official baby?

You have to be level 2 first and wait for the public annoucement for the level 3 ^^

Can You reveal B.A.P Tour for 2014? I really wanna know if they come to my country or not.. Please..

We are not TS ENT.

What awards has B.A.P been nominated which the results are not out yet for now?

MAMA, EMA and KMA. They didnt won for MAMA / EMA and we still don't know for KMA.

HI , well i send you guys an application did you see it ? well just reply me anything its okay if my application is not accepted just tell me so i wouldn't keep waiting :) ~

We can't answer everyone who applied. If you don't hear from us after 1 week, then you are most likely not accpeted. Thank you for your interest though!!

what does the background color needed?

On the application for the fancafe? The font color must be black as well as the font's background color.

Hello Isa, this may seem like a really stupid question but I received my order from HMV I was wondering how I use the calender because it comes in the box and the box has a few slits I don't get how to use it CX

Like this lol ^^

Isa, I went to interpark again to see my official baby 'ticket', it said that the shipping address could be change. Before this, I wrote my address without any space. But after I changed my address with space, it was accepted but nothing has changed. Maybe you know bout this? Thank you

That's a question for Interpark tbh ^^

Isa,. Forget my question about changing address before. I went to interpark again and my address is changed! :) now, my address is right with space.

Okay that's good!
Liked by: merve

Im so happy..alhamdulillah...i got the confirmation for my ticket..hehe ^^ ...and there are no 'english character' error anymore..we can just fill in our information like usual..with blank..and even our name... i just wanna thank BYS team for all their help..thank u^^ <3 Proud BABY ;-)

Liked by: merve

so once you pay for membership and u get confirmation email everything is settled and all u need to do is wait for shipping cost?


why does my payment for official baby say its cancelled? It's happening to a lot of others too.

We have no idea, sorry ask Interpark

Please, is there any way for me to message B.A.P? I want to thank them so much. I know it sounds like I'm lying, but because of them I believe in myself again and stopped cutting myself. I am so grateful that they exist and I don't know what I would do without them.

You can leave a message on the To BAP board on the fancafe :)
Or send a letter to TS entertainment but there's no guarantee that they will read it since they receive a lot of mesaages everyday and they are really busy.

i saw some baby want to change their address,maybe u can try this..go to my ticket, click your conf.No .. then u will see the 'Changing Shipping Information' in red,click the button then u can change your address info,but u cant change the country,only the address info..hope it'll help..just sharing

Thanks for the info!
Liked by: merve

i am signing up for translator but there is no reply? you check the form already?

I am really busy these days so I will check as soon as I have time. And applicants only gets reply if they are accepted.

Isa Unnie, you don't need to register my registration for BABY 2nd Registration. I'm so sorry for troubling you this 2 days . :'(

Well who are you? XD
Please email us if you didn't already!

hello :3 i was wondering if the same credit card has to be used for both purchase and shipping of official baby registration and also if u will be offering services to help babyz pay for shipping ^^

Liked by: merve


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