

Ask @bysfansite

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OH TT You bring only hoodies TT Today can you bring another items,cuz Japan item is difficult to buy TT

All the goodies are almost the same at each LOE concerts. The only differences are the hoodie, the beach towel, luggage tag and poster. We didn't receive enough requests for those items. Sorry!

I want another item just as shopping bag ,luggage tags^^ Don't see many of people want them.I hope I have a chance to buy it ^^

We are only buying hoodies since it's the most wanted item. It's also the most expensive so Nicole & Yui have to spend a lot of money already.

Can't you guys do a first come first served kind of thing with the hoodies? Please? I'm crying:'(

That's not really fair. We are an international fansite so people that have the opposite timezones as the admins here will not have any chance. That's why. :/

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Do you know any other people that might be selling the low japan hoodies? Or even the Seoul ones?

No we don't sorry. :/

So we have to win the hoddies? I really want it so badly but i never win nothing in this things ;A;

We can't buy a hoodie for everyone who wants one. ;__;

when bap come to indonesia? And when bap can comeback for new album?

They are supposed to participate in M!Countdown Indonesia in July, but it's not confirmed yet. We don't know anything about their future comeback.

Will there be a 100% chance that we'll get the hoodies? We really really really want them..

No, we'll have a maximum of 5 hoodies, so you'll be able to get them through a contest that we will hold, since many people want to get it. ^^

How many more pictures do you need for the BAP's 500th day anniversary? Will we still make it on monday?

You can submit pictures until May 30th!

Hello~ we are about 10 BABYz and we want send our photos all together from one email acc and now I have question. If we send it all together you will put all us photos in video? And another question, how much photos you have now?

No problem! And yes, we will probably include all the pictures, maybe on one page.
We're not sure how much picturez we have now. ^^ We'll count it tonight.

Is there any news regarding BAP live on Singapore?

No sorry. Don't worry, we'll post the info as soon as we get it.

I'm interested in B.A.P Loe Japan goods.Can you bring Beach towel,Luggage tag and shopping bag.I want it so muchTT I hope you can bring them.

We will try our best. Please wait few hours for our official announcement. ^^

It says to have a flag or something in our photo.... What if we already took the photos but np flag... (but we do got bap merch)

Its perfect! It was just some ideas. :)
Liked by: Vyanh Vu

I am very interested in being a translator - translating texts (i.e. articles, tweets, etc) from Japanese to English. I majored and received my B.A. in Japanese Language. I want to be involved in something to help me practice and keep my Japanese skills in check since I can't practice a whole lot wh

Hi! Thank you for your interest towards BYS, but we already have enough Japanese translators for now. ^^ But we would like to have your contact infos if we're in need someday! Can you please send us a message to bysfansite@gmail.com? :)

Ummm I cant seem to open up projects/giveaways on your page (i wanted to see the details for the picture project for bap 500th day) can you please give me the details? oh and my friend and I already took the photos is it alright if its in a collage?

Yes it's alright!
And you can access the projects/giveaways page through this link! http://bapyessir.com/search/label/projects-giveaways
(It should work on the site now ^^)
Liked by: Vyanh Vu

How many hoodie orders can you guys take, if you are shipping merch to international fans? I'm worried because I'm going to be at school and I really really really want one.. thanks!!:)

It's 3 per person, and we have two staff. They are getting 2 for theirself, and are going to both date. So
a maximum of 5 but it can be less.

Hello :) May you take down BAP's Title song in order from 1at album until their last album? Please Help me T^T this is one of the question in fancafe i need the korean characters answers. Please?



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