

Ask @bysfansite

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hi! i just wanted to ask about the Taiwan version of the One Shot album.. do you think you can just buy it at any music store in Taiwan after March15? cuz my older brother is going to Taiwan for a business trip in a few weeks and i plan to ask him to go buy me a copy.. haha! thanks! :D

Well I'm sure it'll be sell in Taiwan Kpop Stores. I'm not from Taiwan so I can recommend you any store, but you should do some research. :) Also, I'm pretty sure that the album will be available online too. We'll do a post about that soon.

Do the boy hve a dating ban?

I honestly don't know what their company think about dating, but anyway they don't have time for this, as they barely have time to sleep. xD

did you know if there's a dance version video of One Shot? I only know the making ver by ollehmusic and the one which LOEN published...

Nope, there's only the Making version. :/

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Because in gurupop show i think where daniel is the host? daehyun seems to drop his phone in the middle of the show. So i thought they all have their own individual phones.

That's right but they said few times that they only have one phone for the whole groupe. Daehyun and Youngjae seems to have it the most though. xD

Hey does yongguk or any BAP members smokes? Cos for yg, seems that he have dark gums and lips. I am just assuming though. hehe have a nice day :)

I didn't thought of that and I don't think that any members smokes. I think they all understand that cigarette can damage their voice.

B.A.P One shot was reviewed in Swedish Metro today: 4/5 - if you have swedish friends could you ask them to translate it to english?

We don't have any Swedish translator, but if we find a translation somewhere on Internet, we'll update the site! ^^

Polish fan here, you mean that "Subject: {Application: Translator}"?

I don't understand. o.o Do you want to request Polish or apply as a translator? ke

How do we request a language? You said that Polish was a requested language but there are not enough requests...

Here! You just have to send us a message here saying that you request Polish. ^^ I'll add you to the list ~

can i apply as german translator as well? :)

Yes of course! ^^ We were about to add German on our translations blog. :)

It's about bystranslations. Was Polish a requested language yet?

Yes, but we don't have enough requests yet!
I'll add your request to the list. ^^

Is it true that they share phones together? I think they might have their own phones now that they invidual are doing well and some of them have instagram and twitter.

Yes that's true. Yongguk once said that they share all the same cellphone to avoid to have to pay 6 bills every month. They said that they use the phone to call their family only. But they also have an iPad, and I think they all use it to update their Twitter/Instagram and check the fancafe. ^^

is there any baby subber who updated BAP video with engsub ?

There are few B.A.P subbers, but the most active/fact is kpopobsessed07. ^^

I can't remember my login information, is there a tutorial on how I can get that info?

I guess you talk about the fancafe?

hi, i wanna ask you about official baby membership, juseyoo*^^* is it just available for korean? is it available for international fans? where did you get/but that? and how about the price? kekeke. please answer my question :3 thanks ^^

It was available for international fans, but it was more complicated and more expensive due to the shipping cost for the goodies and the fees from the wire transfer (cause they didn't allowed us to pay via Paypal)
About the price and the way it works, please read our precedent answers, we already answered it few times. ^^

So, it is $20 US for membership and another $20 for the shipping cost. Is there a formula to calculate the wire transfer via Paypal?

It's not via Paypal. You have to go to your bank and send the money to TS' bank. It's pretty complicated to be honest. ^^ But the fees vary from a bank to another.

wait how to post selca's here?

Why do you want to post selca? o.o
Well if you want to join a picture in your ask, you have to copy/paste the URL of the image. ^^

Hi tried to add my name to the short letter to bap post - but it won't let me. Is there something wrong?

Yes, there's something wrong. o_o You can leave us your name/country on ask.fm and I'll post the comment for you ~ 

how much is the fee for official baby membership ? because i want too ><

It was about 20 $ for the membership and another 20 $ for the shipping cost of the special goodies. But this doesn't include the wire transfer, which make the whole thing very expensive. ><

helloo, where i can sign for the official baby membership?

You can't at the moment. The second batch of registration will begin in Oct./Nov. this year. We will post all informations about it on the site. TS will post it on B.A.P's Fancafe. ^^

I want to send Birthday gifts to Yongguk and Himchan through projects of their fansites but after reading your article about how some fans are, I'm afraid that those fansites admins are also from that type of fans since they follow B.A.P a lot for pics and stuff..What can you advice me?

You can participate in any projects you want ^_^ Especially Korean fansites, they have more chances to receive de gifts, since they can give them directly to the boys or their fanstaff. I didn't wanted to make a bad reputation to these fansites, I'm sure that B.A.P have a lot of fansites that are managed by fans that aren't like that. But I just had to say what I saw, cause I think it was too much.
But definitly I encourage you to join their projects, if you want to contribute and show support to the boys!

For the fan signing event, can anyone come to get a autograph or do you have to be an a offical baby?

Anyone can join, but the places are limited, and only few BABYz are selected to meet the boys. You have to buy their latest CD to enter the fansign, though.

Just out of curiosity (question for Admin Isa in particular)I know you mentioned you were based in Canada... but are you Korean? because you did go to the B.A.P Live On Earth Concert and I'd love to do that as well... though I'm not Korean nor do I speak or understand it well enough to fly there

Hello! Well I'm not Korean at all xD But I went to Korea for my 18th birthday, and it was right when the boys did the concert so I went. :D My Korean skills are not that good, and I find it pretty easy to function in Seoul with English. Even if Koreans are too shy to speak English, they can understand you well and will do their best to help you. ^^
Liked by: Joshua


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