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I know Zelo has/used to have a complex with his chin, but where did he actually say so?

mykpop_life’s Profile PhotoLen Yarvel
Apparently it was a rumor, and Zelo wore masks for fashion only, not because he was complexed by his chin ^^

こんにちは。Digital support Projectは今どうなっていますか?BAPのDigital Salesがどんどん下がっていて、このままでは今週の週間順位は先週(Melon 39位)より確実に落ちます。今日か明日にはこのProject参加者がStremingとDownloadを開始すれば少しは助けになるかもしれません。はっきりいって来週からStartさせるのでは遅すぎてProjectの意味が無いです。色々事情があるかもしれませんが、今エントリしている人だけでも何とか今日明日中には開始できるようお願いします。今こんな状況なのに何もHelp出来なくて本当に心苦しいです。お願いします。

今一回目のお支払い分はKBabyさん達へ届いてありますから、とりあえず確認してから、このプロジェックとを出来るだけ広がりたいと思います。Intl Babysはまだまだ考えているらしいです、このプロジェクトを参加するかどうかと言う感じです。
m(_ _)m

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I think we should trend #BAP1004 once a day if it's counted as sns points.

Most babys are just trying to add it to all their B.A.P related tweets, we've been getting pretty high SNS points so far, it's album/digital sales we need to worry about ^^;;

que clase de chica le gusta a yongguk? podrías darme algunos detalles que haya mencionado en alguna entrevista?

Constantine ~

What's the point of voting for B.A.P on mcountdown when they aren't even performing? They are currently on 2nd place what will happen if they won ?

Voting just count for 10%, they're not in the top 5 of the overall ranking... They're not really close to win, but if they win, they'll receive the trophy at their dorm or something since they don't perform on the show -_-)/

Hello! For the posters of the LOE concerts, is it just one word that we have to gound for all the members or one word for each member's poster ("Earth needs..")? ^^ And will they give us the answer(s)? ^^ Thanks

Yes one word ^^
And yeah they'll surely gives us the answers later XD
Liked by: Claire

cant watch the video of bap cut on star king that you posted....

Yeah it already got deleted by SBS T_T We will reupload it when it'll be available

i'm trying to level up but the page was all black . I can't see the question and don't know where to put the answer . help me~~

Yeah we noticed that, but if you highlight the whole post, you will see the questions. The admins probably forgot to change the form color when they changed the template of the fancafe.

At fanevents or concerts that allow us to bring gifts, are we allowed to give food? Like I want to give Daehyun a cheesecake or maybe snacks/sweets from my hometown.

Hum I don't think so, if it's food it should be something non-perishable

Hello ^^ may i ask if LOE Singapore is cancelled or is it still on? please reply

It's still on, why do you worry? ^^

Hi, I heard that now babyz are called "second exotics" :(. I think we should do something. What do you think about this?

Do something for what? This is just ridiculous tbh lol XD


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