

Ask @bysfansite

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Is there any online sites where we can buy kpop stuff&receive it fast. B'cuz planning to buy my big brother some of BAP things.. Like DVD, goodies, hoodies.. Anything related to them, since he love them so much.. I like BAP too, but only like like.. Not really a kpop fan, so buying a gift for his bf

www.kpoptown.com, there's a lot of B.A.P things there ^^; And they ship kinda fast

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lol i thought they,bap release their new fans' requested song of B.A.B.Y! in fact it turn out to be a prank! right? lol

The Korean sources said so, I guess it was just a rumor then

hi, I was the one asking about the level 1 registration. I forgot to log in, so please answer this one instead! but again, If I'm not a level 1 on thw fan Café, can I sign up the next time registration opens? or will I not have the chance to register anymore? thanks!!

alpacapha’s Profile PhotoXiame Pha
You don't even have to be part of the fancafe to buy the membership. But if you want to have the privileges of the official BABY on the fancafe, you have to apply for level 3 as well, but you have to be level 2 first when applying.

Your site says "Keep in mind that you have better chances that the boys receive your gifts if you send them through a fansite," Is there a chance that in your future projects, you will allow Babyz to send gifts to you so that you may send them to B.A.P under the fanbase name? n un

Since we're an international fansite, we cannot accept gifts from fans since it we would have to many gifts to send and we're already pretty busy... ^^; Sorry!

What exactly is BABYDAY? because last year wasn't it in october?

Last year it was the 1st BABY day. Yesterday it was the 2nd BABY day. It's a concert/meeting for Official BABY ^^

"Isa baby <3 why do I see everybody doing this "출석합니다! Yes,Sir, BABY!" in the fancafe? Is it mandatory to do it? Love Youuu" Its where To, B.A.P, but going up 4 places. You should come across with "출석체크"

Sorry I can't find it in the To.B.A.P board... I guess it's not important ^^;

Why is their makito colors the way they are

Whut is 'makito' lol you mean matoki? Well because it was chosen like that?! o_o

Whats their favorite foods?

Yongguk likes ramen, Himchan likes pasta and sushi, Daehyun likes everything that can be eaten (especially cheesecake), Youngjae and Jongup likes meat and Zelo likes kimchi

I was wonder if you guys need another portugueses translator? To brazilian fans....

We just hired a new portuguese translator from Brazil ^^

do you know where i can watch the video where Youngjae took off his contact lens inront of the camera? :)

Our admins searched for the video but couldn't find it, sorry :( We know what you're referring to, tho

do you have an english subbed vid of this?>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o3NWB8gckc 130817 Show Champion Backstage - B.A.P

We used to, but the video has been deleted :(

My application and payment was approved for the baby 2 fanclub cause I got a confirmation number after but I never got any other email back with further info about the membership being sent or shipping fees. What should I do?

No one have the infos about shipping fees, it'll be uploaded by TS on the fancafe later.


Language: English