

Ask @bysfansite

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In One Shot Japanese Album Ultimate Ver. we will get 2014 calendar right? are they going release another calendar or not?

And we don't no about another calendar. ^^

What is the 'Mato language'?

A retarded language that the boys and the production team invented in Tadah! its BAP
Its actually their alien language since they're not from Earth ~~

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Hi, as Baby, i know how tired BAP with their pack schedules and whatsoever (even im not 100% know). And as Baby, i know how tired you guys especially you,your manager, your admins & translators. Never give up. Never ever think about to stop this fansite.(because i love you,not just this fansite) I k

Oh my Guk are you serious?!
Finally someone who realize how tiring is to manage a site like BYS every single days T^T Thank you so much we're so touched ♡♡

hi.so im kinda confused. there are 12 total cards for warrior and 12 cards for one shot. so 24 cards total?

Yup ~

Do you have the matoki lightstick instock ?And if I order it will it come by 15th November?I live in Singapore and so I need it urgently;(Thanks.

As stated on our shop's page, we DO NOT sell official merch. However Isa have an extra matoki lightstick to sell (30 $ CAD) and she could ship it to you within 9 business day for 51 $ CAD. It's really expensive but if you need it ASAP, this is the solution. Unless you can find a more cheaper and faster deal on Internet.
If you're interested, contact Isa at bysfansite@gmail.com

What special packages from HMV? Is it the one with 2 albums? I really want the photocards!

It depends on which single you're talking about ^^

Do you guys know where I can find the best collection of HD photos,whether they're fansites or offical. Thank you!

We are currently creating a mediafire accounts with a collection of files for HD pictures ^^

I thought at least their first day concert gonna sold out fast or few tickets left but still lots of tickets available online....I hope they can sold out until the last day of tickets sales...Just my opinion, I think they should have zepp tour 3k-5k instead of arena tour...

We hope so too!

Hi BYS admin! Just wouldlike to ask how to registet as a member & if I order the 10000 miles dvd is it english sub? ThNks BYS fighting! BAP fighting. . Donna from Singapore

Our membership option will be available for the first time later in November and the DVD comes with English subs ^_^)/

Je ne pense pas que ça soit Shimshim Tapa, ils étaient habillés en mode Badman et ça a été pris avant une performance. Je m'en souviens que Daehyun a dit qu'il voulait se marier tôt et aimait les enfants et la personne qui prennait la vidéo a plaisanté en lui demandant s'il voulait avoir 9 enfants..

Donc il s'agit d'un backstages (surement M!Countdown) de l'era de Badman. Tu trouveras dans nos archives ici: http://www.bapyessirfansite.com/search/label/promotion:badman ^_^;

Is it true that BAP's concerts in Japan are sold out? By the way, I'm really touched hearing you guys bought a star for B.A.P. Thank you *hugs*

I think some tickets are still available but I'm not 100% sure.
*hugs you back* <3

今年10月に日本デビューする期待の新人KPOPグループB.A.P(ビーエーピ)!2012年に韓国でデビューし、その年の音楽祭で新人賞を総ナメにし、その他にも合わせて13つもの賞を受賞しました。2013年には韓国、アメリカ、日本、台湾、香港、シンガポールで初の海外ツアーを成功させるなどすでに世界から注目を集めています。5月に行われた初の日本でのソロコンサートはあまりの人気にチケットは即完売し急遽追加公演を決めたほどか、日本での人気の高さも証明してみせました。期待の新人KPOPグループの日本デビューを、番組で取り上げて下さい!! >can I tweet this to all d shows?

This is the text to submit on Japanese's shows' homepages. The other one (your other ask) is for tweets only.
See the tutorial: http://www.bapyessirfansite.com/2013/10/tutorial-how-to-support-baps-japan-debut.html

in requesting B.A.P to guest on japanese shows..there are two steps??or I can use any of the two steps ??

You can do only one of them, but if you do both of them, it'll help more ^^

¿Por qué no se puede ver el MV de Warrior japonés ni tampoco el coreano (almenos en mi país)? :'((

Esta bloqueado en algunos países y no sabemos porque, pero puedes conseguirlo en Dailymotion!

Tip: There are still photocards available if you order at HMV the special packages for Warrior. ^^ Hope this helps babyz who want photocards

Thank you for the info ;D


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