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Is it true that today Daehyun left earlier than other members because tomorrow (today Korean time) he will take his entrence exams for the college?

AninimatoChan’s Profile PhotoAni Chan
Yes it is!
Liked by: Ani Chan

what video is it when ongguk is doing bbuing bbuing and youngjae and zelo are laughing behind him?

OMG, the members are always laughing behind Yongguk when he do aegyos. xD Sorry we can't help you if you're not more specific!

at the Yinyuetai V-Chart Awards why Himchan doest sing on one shot?

We honestly don't know why TS don't let him sing. We know that he can't perform (dance) yet because of his hands, but we think that he should at least be on stage and sing his parts. :/

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Who is @New_Champ ?

As far as we know, New Champ was a trainee at TS Entertainment with Zinsuk and the two were supposed to debut as an Hip Hop duo called Plan G. We don't know if it's still in the plan, or if the who are just producers now, and we're sorry if the info are wrong. ^^"

you know name kakao talk of BAP ?

This is such a private information, just like their phone numbers. xD

Is there any page streaming Yinyuetai V-Awards?

We don't know yet, but we'll make sure to let you know if there's any way to watch the show online!

is Singapore the only stop for Southeast Asia region (Live on Earth)? any hint for another country? thanks

We heard from many sources that they'll add Malaysia later. But we can't confirm it.

Will there be a fansign/fanmeet when bap comes to singapore? ^^

We're not sure if there will be a fanmeet in Singapore!

on your site, when you credit sites, could you credit with a link to the main site where you got the info from as well? like the original article, video, twitter source, etc. that would be really helpful

May we ask why it would be really helpful? ;; Because when we update, we open all the infos/pictures/videos in new tabs and close the sources before we upload everything on the site, so we have to change the way we update if you want us to link our sources. ^^

Hi~ Isa ^.^ can you help sigaporean babyz find out info about the ticket selling dates of B.A.P LIVE ON EARTH SINGAPORE? Thank Kyu~~

We don't know anything yet. But our admin Min is from Singapore, so as soon as we get the infos, we'll post it on the site!

How can I see pics from jonglo2ga? TT_TT I'm not allow to see them

You need to register on their site to see their data. ^^ Let us know if you need help!

do you have an updated tutorial for how to enter BAP's cafe and level up? the current one doesn't seem to work? if you do have one, can you link it to me?

We'll make sure to update it as soon as possible!

Is TS aware that BAP topped world album charts with one shot?

We don't work at TS so we can't really know! kk But we're pretty sure they are.


Language: English