

Ask @bluntsy

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Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?

One is an understatement. The whole squad can

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how many exes do you have?

it's been a year since I started ignoring this question. lol. but yeah, actual relationships wherein i invested feelings and emotions, eight. the next one shall be my final bc there's something magical about the number nine in my life.

Mga mahalon pud imu gamit usually?

I don't like mahalon. they all work the same depending on how you use them. usa pa, wala koy budget. kung naa koy mahalon, hinatag rana 9/10 of the time. lol

Hi. Do you use liquid eye liner for your eyes?

I use almost all kinds, tbh. I have liquid, cream/gel, pen and pencil. normally, when I'm not lazy, I use the creamgel liner. else, liquid or pen/pencil. (where did this question come from? o.o dis iz weird)

recommend exo stans to follow

why would you ask me? lol but srsly tho I follow recommendable exostans so go through my list if you like. :)

lol doesn't change the fact you're a loser and nobody wanted to hang out with you during exo's visit

you're mean. :( but in my defense, i knew no one personally aside from one college friend. it was my first time but i made a new friends. ps. if i was such a loser you'd never waste your time on me. cute :3

You don't care but you seem to be enjoying someone actually dropped an ask here

a good laugh is always enjoyable. :) thanks for wasting your time on me.

you are kind of annoying but funny how nobody really talks to you

lol funny bc I don't really care. AND YOU ACTUALLY TOOK THE TIME TO GO TO MY ASK AND TELL ME THIS. such nice life you have, really.


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