
chloe phoebe asher choo

Ask @bitesizemonster

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Hi! What eyeliner do you use? And what eyeliner would you recommend for the upper waterline? :) mine always smudges

i use shu u's. Yeap, recommend that cos it has very good staying power

what would you wear inside if the armhole for the tanktop is quite deep? Bralet/tube/normal bra?

don't wear. hahahaha ok, tube is out of question cos I hate how it looks. Normal bra is a vast answer cos there are different ranges of "normal"bras and I think bralet too, depends on what bralets you have.

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You inspired me to become a vegetarian , thank you so much. You're really pretty & I really adore you x

Thank you very very much!!

Pls help me.. I broke up on april and i kept saying i want him back but he didn't want me so i gave up and eventually got over it. He want it back now again i don't know what to do..

If I was in this position, given my personality I would've cut alllllll contacts with him long long longggg ago and I will never ever ever ever take him back once he turned me down the last time. But regardless of what anyone tells you, I guess it's really all up to you to decide if you want to allow the same person to enter your life again and if the person change for the better then good. But if not, you're just allowing yourself to get hurt once more which in this case is totally avoidable.

Hi! Could you mind helping me to ask wardrobemess to check her email? Bcuz i've asked her enquiries but she only replied once then she didn't reply another one since sun. I ordered from her ytd & made payment yestetday too but she didn't reply me neither. Emailed her & fb pm her a few times too. :(

ok will feedback to her when I see her next

What do you think is the difference when dating a guy and then moving on to a r/s with him except for being yhe official partner? Do you like show less concern when dating?

i have never been through that dating stage before because I find it absolutely ridiculous. Like i really don't get it. It's either you're in or you're out of a relationship. Being in a dating stage puts you in a really vulnerable stage and I hate the thought of that. So it's either you commit or you don't. sooooooooo back to your question, I don't know how to answer
Liked by: jinxuaaaaaan

Hey sexay.. What is your current fav lipstick brand and colour? Cannot say u have a few, must choose 1. Xie xie~~! :D

favourite brand....errrrr so far, i only tried like a limited number of brands and I think revlon has a range of really affordable and good quality lipstick. But i haven't found my favourite colour yet

Your skin is perfect! Don't you get pimples?

thank you but i wont say its perfect cos sometimes it gets dry as well. hardly get any pimples

Hi chloe, bitesizemonster waffle store does not sell waffles on weekdays? :O

not anymore cos not much crowd in pasar bella on weekdays

How did you actually started getting so many sponsors? why did you started blogging>

idkkkkk.................. started last sept/oct

Srsly guys, Eunice Annabel is fine with Chloe man. Yall needa chill the f out. with a capital F.

good to know and idk who started this nonsense but I second the chill the F out part


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