

Ask @bellalunaa_wattpad

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Advice on hooking up - I'm starting to fall for the guy I'm friends with benefits with but we both made it clear we weren't looking for relationships. But he acts like he likes me. What should I do?

oooh honey i cannot tell you how much i relate to your situation. i understand from personal experience what you're going through and that it absolutely sucks.
my advice, talk to him. i know, it's scary and you're afraid of rejection, of losing him as a FWB, or losing his friendship entirely, but trust me, telling him the truth is better than being stuck in a pity of self-torture when you could be finding happiness instead. don't waste time trying to be a FWB when you want more.
And also, don't expect for things to go back to normal after you talk because usually, they don't. as your friend, i want to be real with you and tell you to have a realistic approach with this.
when you do talk to him, make sure he understands that you know what you were getting yourself into when you started, but that over time, you've developed feelings. do not, i repeat, DO NOT, apologize for having ended up gaining feelings for him despite what you may have agreed to in the beginning, because that's just you being human. who can control who they fall for and who they don't? if your instincts were wrong, and he doesn't feel the same, tell him it's okay. because again, we can't control who do or don't fall for. tell him that you understand and that you may have jeopardized things between you, but obviously, you'd rather be honest with him than lie to him face.
so, that being said, if he doesn't want to pursue things with you, that's okay. you will survive. your life won't end just because he's not in it anymore. you'll find someone else who will want to be with you and make you happy. if he does want to pursue things with you, be very careful because you're stepping into a dangerous territory. you only know the sexual, fun, flirtatious side of him, and the more you get to know the real him, what his passions are, what his weaknesses are, what his flaws are, you may find out things you don't really like and it may make things worse. so, take it slow and don't rush into a relationship. just go on a few dates and see where things take you. the guy you know in bed can turn out to be a completely different guy outside of it.
hope this helps :) if you want me to go into more detail, trust me boo, i could write a book about this situation entirely (in fact, i kinda already am lol)

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Funniest hook up experience?

not necessarily a 'hook up' because it was with my college boyfriend at the time, but we were in the middle of doing it when his roommate walked in, said 'sorry', but DIDN'T. LEAVE.
...so we didn't stop. LOL. do not try this at home, kids.
Liked by: rain s

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How many stories have you written in total (including the unpublished ones)?

complete? 2 (currently the finished works on my wattpad page)
incomplete? literally hundreds.
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list 3 ways to describe the color pink without saying the word 'pink <3

it's the color that glows across the sky when the sun and the horizon touch
it's the color that fills your cheeks when you confess a secret meant only for my ears
it's the color that stains your lips after we've kissed

AWww shiba's!!! do you like them their so cute!

lol you don't understand, i don't like shiba's.
shiba's are my soulmates. they're my life. my relationship with them goes beyond 'like' by about a million levels.
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need some advice: i think my BF is cheating on me what should i do, SOS PLEASe HELP

trust your gut and talk to him about it. if he confesses, then it's up to you whether or not you want to forgive him and stay together or forgive him but break up. if he actually isn't and tells you the truth, then give yourself some time to get over it. if he actually is and lies about it, aha bye boy✋🏽
just talk to him. you'll torture yourself wondering a million possibilities when you could just confront him about it.
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MIIA is so good Bella! I look forward to every update :)

thanks so much love! glad you're enjoying it so far :)
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Sad that I don't see Maldives on that list. It's a great place to relax a bit (lot). Fun for snorkeling and scuba diving. Any sea sport really. Just as long as you avoid the capital city, the country is great. Look it up :)

the Maldives are definitely on my list! those are just the destinations i want to travel to really soon :) i've seen beautiful pictures of the Maldive - looks like paradise!
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What’s wrong with the world?

we focus too much on what's wrong instead of publicizing what's good.
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i have been on vacation love! but i'm back now (unfortunately) and will be updating soon :)
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What are some of the hookups in college you regret?

some??? you must mean all because i regret them all. LOL.
jk, i don't regret them all...just a majority. but hey, i have some pretty wild and crazy stories to tell people and great memories to look back and laugh at - can't complain about it!
Liked by: s

When will you finish MIIA? How many chapters are left?

i plan on finishing MIIa by the end of summer (if that will actually happens, who knows). but i'm not entirely sure how many chapters are left!
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places you want to travel to next?

that's a long ass list (like i've actually written it down and it took two whole pages) but i'll give you a few of my top places:
- santorini, greece
- madrid, spain
- okinawa, japan
- bora bora, tahiti
- bali, indonesia
- venice and milan, italy
- cinque terre, italy
- palawan, philippines
- monte carlo, monaco
- berlin, germany
- amsterdam
i should stop before i literally list every country on the planet lol
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Bella where have u been!!! Pls update soon love u

i've been on vacation love! a much needed one too. i will update when i get back!
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