

Ask @bellalunaa_wattpad

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Where are you going for vacation? We hope you have fun and thanks for the amazing update on MIIA 👍🏼😁

aw your welcome love! and i'm currently in maui :) it's beautiful here!
Liked by: s

Sometimes I feel like my readers are disappointed in my writing and it discourages me.

but are YOU disappointed in your writing? it takes a lot of time, research, and energy to even write a paragraph. just because your readers may disagree with what you've written doesn't mean you should let that discredit your hard work. it's YOUR story, YOUR message.
there's a reason why you're the writer. you control the story.
Liked by: s

Thank you, you're so nice all the time. I like this boy in my class who's very shy but very smart and he's cute. We're friends but I we don't hang out at all out side of class and I really want to but I'm afraid to ask him. what should I do?

aw thanks love!
more points to you for going with a smart guy - intelligence is always a great factor to look for! if you're too afraid to ask him, then try talking to him more in class until you eventually feel comfortable enough around him to take that leap and ask him to hang out! take baby steps, you gotta build that friendship.
but don't be afraid to take that leap - life is short! i don't want you to look back and wonder what could have been if you had just taken that little step :)

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What was your favorite part about being in a relationship?

having someone genuinely worry about my well-being while i was busy doing a million other things. it was nice to have someone ask me how i'm doing for once.

Hi bella, you're my favorite writer on Wattpad and I wanted to ask for you're advice on boys?

hi love :) happy to help! what did you need advice about?

Do you think you'll find someone who completes you one day?

no, because i don't need someone else to complete me.
Liked by: s

why are we extra lol

i mean, i love you guys and i am willing to share anything with you but wow...you guys really want to know the nitty gritty, haha.
Liked by: s

Tips on writing a good ending?

end the story the way you want it to end, not the way you think your reader's will want it to. it's your story - own it.
Liked by: Chloe s ashley

name a band you listen to that your friends don't know about

lol there's a lot cause my friends mainly listen to hiphop/rap/r&b.
but off the top of my head, they don't know about Wild Cub, PVRIS, the 1975, Arctic Monkeys, and The Black Keys. i wish they did though, those bands are all amazing.
Liked by: rain s

What do you think about Selena Gomez getting dragged about the TSwift/Kimye drama?

wait how is she relevant to anything??
Liked by: s

What or who motivates you to get out of bed every morning?

the fact that i was one of the lucky ones who woke up.
Liked by: s

OOOOOH BELLA QUEEN SLAY I didn't know you were so sexual

omg you guys are getting way too excited about my sex life LOLOL
Liked by: s

Children freak me out too.

your_favourite_dream’s Profile Photoashley
thank god, i'm not the only one. everyone thinks i'm evil because i don't automatically smile at the sight of a child.
Liked by: ashley

where did you get the inspiration behind just a spark? there's a lot of sex involved lol =P

hahahaha, trust me, there'll be a lot of sex involved. tbh, a lot of it has to do with my own experience and what i've seen my best friends experience. i think there's a lot of misconceptions about casual sex, hooking up, and dating that i wanted to give a different perspective on.
Liked by: Chloe Eunice s ashley

You're fucking beautiful, Bella 💜 Inside and out. The messages you leave to your #Lunaatics in your author's note on each chapter is so heartfelt. I feel like you really care about us. You're my favorite Wattpad author.

hello love, please come off anon so i can thank you the way you deserve.
your message means the absolute fucking world to me. all i've ever wanted was for my readers to know that i genuinely care for them and want nothing but to add to their happiness with my stories. if i've done that for even one of you, i know i'm accomplishing something. you are the motivation to continue doing what i do.
thank you for being a beautiful soul - we need more of you amidst all the hate being spread in the world right now. i love you so much <3
Liked by: Chloe s


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