
Basics of Sikhi

Ask @basicsofsikhi

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I have the upmost respect for all the Guru Sahibs but when I listen to Guru Ram Das I tend to cry that little bit more I have a connection inside me knowing he feels my pain and when I call to be in his sanctuary its a feeling I can't describe I'm sorry if you think I'm losing it butisthisnormal

kirpa Ji, that's fine... its good to connect to the gurus or even a specific one as you feel you have a relationship Ji.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Is there only one parchar team you have or do you have a national or international network of parchar sevadars? and how can more sikhs join you in sikhi parchar seva?

we have 3 people now. 2 male and 1 female.
drop us a message on Facebook about what you can do and want to do.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

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Bhai saab, I need your help. Im in love with this girl and literally cannot stop thinking about her. Idk if you would call it lust because I want to marry her. Im only 19 and seriously dont know what to do.

Swap that love and constant thinking of her to vaheguru.
if you could do that with vaheguru you would become a brehamgiani :p
But we need to understand these relationships are temporary love and it will break.... like so many other ones where people think its love and then their goner marry that person. You here this story from literally every person Ji and it doesn't work out.
there's only one person who wont leave you and that's vaheguru.
also until your not married she's your sister/daughter so think of her. try to stay away from her as well Ji and occupy your time with other activities and jap more naam.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

If you're amrithdhari is amrit vela a most every day ?

yep.... its the time of Amrit Ji between 12am to 6am.
if your finding it difficult begin to sleep earlier and wake up at 6 then slowly 5 mins early each day and within 2 weeks you will be up at 5am
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Can an amritdhari eat kingsmill bread that has halal or HFA sign on it ! I hear a lot about this but am still very confused

if your inside is saying no then don't.... halal means pure.
they don't bless bread..... but if its such a big thing there's so many other types of bread like warburtons.... better still.make your own bread with a bread maker :)
Liked by: Terry Gopi ✋

WJKK, WJKF veerji, you may have been asked this question several times, but myself and my father were listening to your debate on bbc. I believe meat, drugs, alcohol or tobacco are not allowed to be consumed in any form AT ALL. Could you shine some light on this? Gurfateh ji

answered it a few lines down ji
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Where was god during the 1984 genocide in India?

inside each and everything.
after 1984 countless people were blessed with Amrit and sikhi jevans.... and they continue to be influences by the genocide. This could of been one of his plays on this world to help sikhs during kal yug to take amrit and see past the illusion.
If you look at a situation with such negativity then you won't be able to develop on this path.

Is it okay for an amritdhari to date a non amritdhari? Story is I dated one and we ended up breaking up

Nope Ji.... until we are married to our one life time partner then everyone else is our sister and daughters (for males its brothers and sons).
relationships occur as we are missing something in our life and we try to fill it with temporary love.... so we need to fill the void with the universal love of Vaheguru which will never go nor will he break up with us over silly things.
but make relationships with the gurus they won't upset you :p
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Can a non- sikh (Hindu, Muslim, Christian ) practice sikhi and keep kesh and maintain kakkars but still follow their families religions (e.g the bhagats kabir ji , baba farid ji, ravidass ji , etc)

anyone can follow sikhi but you must fully surrender to path but can also be categorised as a religion (ie. it has a text to follow etc.)
Also following parts of different religions is like having multiple relationships they will eventually come back to haunt you when you get caught.
the bhagats like kabir Ji didn't actually have a religion because they realised that god is in everything and therefore everything is one..... he was past this stage of differentiation by religion.
Liked by: Harjit Gopi ✋


"ਕਬੀਰ ਭਾਂਗ ਮਾਛ੝ਲੀ ਸ੝ਰਾ ਪਾਨਿ ਜੋ ਜੋ ਪ੝ਰਾਨੀ ਖਾਂਹਿ ॥". The words "ਭਾਂਗ, ਮਾਛ੝ਲੀ, ਸ੝ਰਾ ਪਾਨਿ" bhang, machlee, surapaan leave very little to the imagination - bhang is a drug (weed); machlee is fish. Surapaan is alcoholic drink. Kabir ji has warned us about all of this ji

Vjkk vjkf I wanted to ask why are our Sikhs allowed to eat meat but not halal isn't it the same thing since it's a dead animal in the first place when SGGS G is in presence we are not allowed to have meat but why eat it? (Not halal just saying meat in general) since the AKJ are strict with veg

I answered it a few lines down ji

i love playing guitar and i have performed a shubad a few time but i dont have the confidence in my voice, how can i be e confident

Do Ardas to maharaj and Jap naam to still your mind so that these thoughts of fear stop.
also to develop we must be put into uncomfortable situations ... if we remain in the same comfortable ones then we won't develop Ji.

Whenever i do my nitnem i always read it. But when i finished it i always realise that it went by so quick then i think to myself i havent read it properly i was thinking of other things rather than focussing on the bani which is why it went by so quick. I keep hvin2 start all ova agen,bt hapen agen

jap nam before and focus your mind as you jap naam focus your mind on the vaheguru being said. It will take a while to develop your concentration but it works. You have to be persistent Ji and want to focus and concentrate on the gurbani and naam.
By doing this you will still your mind so thoughts won't keep popping in and out of your mind.

How do you meditate? What is the step by step process please?

sit down in a nice place... legs crossed and eyes closed.
some people like to focus between both eyes or you don't have to tbh.
next begin to jap namm (say vaheguru repeatedly) say it aloud and focus on what you say and try to clear all other thoughts from your minds so you focused on only vaheguru.... this is very difficult and will take determination to continue even when your mind wanders.
keep at it and start with 5 mins the first day and slowly build this up Ji. you will eventually be able to 1hour+

Hi, thanks for the tattoo response. That actually helped quite a bit. Thank you. Ps: I'm not a bhenji. :-( Maybe you were being sarcastic cause this is quite a girlie dilemma to be in. In any case, please answer the THEY question relating to our Guru Sahibs. That's an important one! ;-)

sorry it was late and I was half asleep.... loads of questions to be answered and all will be answered with gurus kirpa ji

How come almost all Amritdhari Sikhs don't eat meat at all even though it isn't technically forbidden? It's only halal meat that is forbidden

when you go to the panj pyaree they say to you stay away from meat...
"ਕਬੀਰ ਭਾਂਗ ਮਾਛ੝ਲੀ ਸ੝ਰਾ ਪਾਨਿ ਜੋ ਜੋ ਪ੝ਰਾਨੀ ਖਾਂਹਿ ॥". The words "ਭਾਂਗ, ਮਾਛ੝ਲੀ, ਸ੝ਰਾ ਪਾਨਿ" bhang, machlee, sura-paan.
bhang is a weed to get intoxicated; machlee is fish etc. sura-paan is a alcoholic drink. Kabir ji has warned us! his bani is in guru granth sahib Ji for a reason because he was said to be Muslim (really he didn't have a religion) but they had halal meat and ate fish (which they believe to be halal anyway) but he's saying stay away from fish which Muslims believe mohammed made halal by shooting an arrow into the sea.. so from this you can take that if something which was thought to be halal and needed no special preparation isn't good for us then obv something prepared and made to be halal is of no benefit Ji.
don't waste time on this and jap namm.... all this becomes revealed as you jap naam and rise to higher avastaas.

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O mahraj please help me! I'm so lost in this world of maya. I just dont understand what is our purpose. We eat. We sleep. And we die. Although we know that only naam will go with us in the end, why dont we do naam as much as we should? Why do we commit this evil sins, knowing Waheguru Ji is watching

kirpa you've been blessed to seen through this illusion
but this Maya is so enticing that we find it difficult to separate from it.... we need to try so hard and want it so bad until he literally guides us to him... ie providing us with sat sangat and oppertunties to reach him Ji.
we need to beg in Ardas for him to help us.
Liked by: Jaskirat Kaur


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