
Basics of Sikhi

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VJKKVJKF -Waheguru Ji, We know that God is present everywhere, then why do we go to Gurudwara's? I asked this question because Giani Kulwant Singh Ji explained this point in his katha with an example of Ground water, I hope you can Tell me about that point or give me your views on this fact?

Lovepreet singh
Gurdwara is a place of Sangat and within the sangat, is sach khand.. watch the English Katha of Japji Sahib 37th Pauri on SachKhand
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DZS60QgFTU&feature=share&list=PL8F0BB3226CF2D06B&index=37basicsofsikhi’s Video 108390912818 8DZS60QgFTUbasicsofsikhi’s Video 108390912818 8DZS60QgFTU

i am a singhni who wears dumalla but sometimes i dont have bani in me or im rude at school(as i used to be very bad)im improving in a way but still have a long way to go some people call me a hypocrit because of this. I get annoyed but i won't remove my dastar. i could go the bad way or gud wat2do?

Bhenji, everyone gets tested in life. If we find ourselves falling down from Gurus high standards, then we need to get back up and walk again. Dont go the wrong way and fall even further. If someone calls you a hypocrite, then reply with grace, saying, "yes I'm not perfect and I can improve". Dont put a "but" after this. Just look inwards and see that you're in control of your own actions and you do have the ability to change. Ask Guruji for help and do your best. VJKK VJKF

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If you do not want to convert people to sikhism, why do you spend so much time preaching it?

We are teaching Sikhi. We want the people in the world to know what Sikhi is and then if anyone likes it, they can choose to follow it. We are not interested in grabbing people who are following another religion and convincing them that their religion is false to get them to follow Sikhi. That would be converting. We are teaching and spreading Gurus wisdom, without the expection

VJKKVJKF - Jagraj Paji, How did you go about memorising Gurbani. I am trying hard to do this but finding it difficult. How long did it take you? I am trying to learn Arti Arta but finding it very difficult. Thanks.

VJKK VJKF, sing it firstly, it will help. Also try to memorise the sections, break it down into parts and memorise one part each week (repeat again and again). Memorisation comes down to repetition and keeping focused on the structure of the paat

It's been about a year and 5 months since I started to grow my hair and wearing a Dastar. My Dad and Uncles have all helped me with the Dastar, but it's the old boat style (as I think you described it once). However I personally want to wear mine as a Dhamala style. I haven't taken Amrit at the mo!

Go for a dumalla if that what you want, but bear in mind that people will assume you have taken Amrit, so please keep the standards high. Need full kesh, no alcohol or drugs and good actions and speech. Kirpa ji

Pl help is ivf and adoption is allowed in sikhi pl help

Yes, obviously adoption is great and helps kids. wrt IVF I cant think of why it would not be allowed. Its still within Hukam (will) of God to learn about medicine and use that for our health etc. Sikhi is more concerned with things like making sure everyone is fed, protected and the world becomes a better place. The thing to remember is that whether the IVF works or not, we should be content with what we have and focus on Simran and Seva

I am considering taking Amrit some time in the future. I currently have grown my hair and wear a dastar and a Kara. Could I also start practising wearing the remaining 5 K's (i.e Kirpan, Kanga, Kachera) before taking Amrit? Thank you for all your great posts!! You have put me on the path!!

Daljeet Singh
Hanji, its acceptable to keep all 5 Kakkars if you are keeping full kesh and not using any alcohol or drugs. Bear in mind that most people will assume you have taken Amrit so your conduct should reflect that of what Guruji expects from his Khalsa.. btw, maharaaj kirpa that Gurujis message has changed your life (we had nothing to do with it) AKAAL!! VJKK VJKF

what do you do if your a sikh but you cant find a sikh wife???

Have you exhausted all possibilities? Speak to your elders and see what can be done. Its important to find someone on the same wavelength and spiritual path as you. If you cannot, then obviously someone who supports you in your path of Sikhi and is happy for your kids to be brought up with Sikhi. The rule should be, as Long as its within the rehat and keeps you in Sikhi, then its okay. Nothing or no one is worth leaving Sikhi for.

I want to join the Royal Air force as a pilot, but we can't were helmets because they count as hats. So is there another way to be a pilot? Or do i have to join another position(give advice on what position to join please)? Thank you

A helmet is slightly different to a hat and since we dont have Sikh regiments in the British or American Army, we will need to make compromises. When I was in the Army, I had to wear a helmet on top on a keski (small turban). Since this is probably unlikely with the tight fit of Air Force Helments, then you would probably have to wear a patka with your hair in a joora at the back. Its up to you as to what compromises you are happy to make. At the end of the day, you will be doing that job and as long as you dont cut your kesh and whilst out in Public, you have your dastaar, then you;re not breaking your rehat. TBH, if you're going ot be in the AirForce, the pilot job is the best :) but very competitive, whilst ground Crew is more long lasting. Good luck

VJKKVJKF. Do Sikhs believe that every thing is pre ordained or that we have free will? In Sukhmani Sahib it talks alot about everything pre ordained by God and even Mukti being preordained. If all is preordained then what is the need for the guru to give us giann if we personally have no influence?

VJKK VJKF - everything is about perspective. In the beginning, we have to make efforts to walk on Sikhi and earn blessings of Guruji. As we progress, we realise, it was all his kirpa and we are even more thankful, which lowers the ego and allows us to progress even further. Then we get even more thankful for those insights and blessings and realise nothing is our hands and this allows us to progress spiritually. This is a virtuous circle and just gets better. The whole time though, we have to keep our rehit (daily discipline) and make efforts to ignore our 5 vices and embrace Guru's teachings. We ask for strength from our Guru and when we are successful in following Sikhi, we thank Guruji. This also brings humility and thankfulness. Again this brings blessings. Another virtuous circle.
There is a vicious cycle too, one where we just stop bothering to do any Sikhi, stop asking Guruji for help and then when we get nothing, we think our Guru has abandoned us. This will get us nowhere, since after our guaranteed death, we will regret buying into this negative thinking.
So the idea is this, understand where you are in the level of thinking and Sikhi. At the beginning, we must make efforts, hard efforts and once these pay-off, only then will we get the insight that actually we were blessed to follow this path. So a Sikh must remove the ego and do what Guruji says because a Sikh is like a baby and doesn't know much about the world outside our five senses. When the Sikh grows up under the Guru's teachings, then they get access to a higher level of reality. Its hard to communicate this, but essentially, us Sikhs have been told Guruji to just get on with Sikhi, with Naam, Kirtan, Bani, Bana, avoiding 5 vices of lust, anger, greed, pride and attachment, embracing Seva, 5 qualities of Truth, Contentment, compassion, Justice and forgiveness, along with humility and love. Lets just leave the over-intellectualisation about what comes first, seed or the fruit, and lets start planting seeds and getting the fruit. That way, we wont starve when its time to harvest the fruit.

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What about people who have psychological problems (manic depressive, bipolar, borderline personality disorder, OCD, etc.) Won't it be extremely difficult for them to keep the rehit consistently?

The usual rehat is for the majority and is also the ideal to aim for ji. Many would say that actually its a basic ideal and we should be aiming for much more! Of course people with different situations may have to make compromises. If someone is unwell then they should still try their best. In the Amrit Sanchar, the Punj Piare give you the ideal and also you can ask them for suggestions if you have specific problems.
But Guruji has given us a workable and sensible rehat for the majority and most of us should strive for it.

Help. My parents do Paath every day, yet their behaviour is very contradictory. e.g.,I am told that I must marry into the caste, they constantly judge other without knowing the facts, do nindiya etc. I am told I know nothing as I am younger. how do I deal with such situation in terms of Sikhi?

Welcome to the world of hypocrisy, its everywhere and its not going anywhere anytime soon. My honest suggestion is that since you are still young, just ignore the parts of them that are anti-sikhi and focus on building up your own Sikhi. When you have a solid rehat, understand bani and have a strong sangat, you'll notice that they are probably not that different from their own sangat. If you're educationally successful and strong in Sikhi, you'll be able to choose your own way in life. Dont try to win the argument today, wait till you're stronger, older and when marriage might actually become relevant. Then speak. Vaheguru!

(9th Guru question continued) I know the official story about him not wanting to separate from his meditation on God. But why didn't he engage with his Sikhs immediately? They needed him.

Full Question is.. When the 9th Guru was chosen, why did he not reveal himself for a long time? Was he not willing to deal with the hassle of everyone coming to him with their miseries and problems? I know the official story about him not wanting to separate from his meditation on God. But why didn't he engage with his Sikhs immediately? They needed him.
Our Answer: This is not the first time this happened. The Guru is not looking for Sikhs, the Sikhs look for Guruji. We asked for Guru Nanak Dev ji and Vaheguru sent them. Both Guru Angad Dev ji and Guru Amardaas ji have periods of time where they moved away from the Sikhs and the Sikhs brought them back. There is always a moral to the story (see Baba Buddha ji) and for me, its all about understanding Hukam and that Guruji was not attached to power. Many committee members nowadays could learn from this. With our 9th True King, the hukam was that Makhan Shah Lubana would find them and that this story was meant to happen and be recited. But what is interesting is that the Answer to your question is in that story. Makhan Shah did do ardaas to his Guru, whom he thought was Sri Guru Harkrishan Sahib ji, and yet Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur ji was the one that helped them.
So, although Guruji was in the village of Bakala in underground meditation, they were still helping their Sikhs and they know that Sikhs need the Guru. "Guru mere sang sadaa hai naale" Guru is always with us so say his name and keep your faith in Him.

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Ejkk wjkf. I am a girl who comes from a family of abuse and alcohol from both parents. I recently found guruji's sangat. I want to take amrit but i'm scared about my physical apparencr (facial hair)& letting guruji down(not being able to wake up at 4am for nitnem every morning @ that time)

VJKK VJKF bhenji, you're blessed. If you have sangat, then please make friends with older Gursikh women who can guide you about Kesh etc. A Singh is not the best person to give advice but we can support you. Just remember, Amrit is not about the 5Ks its about giving your head and being blessed with Amrit. If death is the price and immortality is the prize, then focus on this rather than this temporary body. About letting Guruji down. Its really good to have that mentality and to strive to uphold the rehit. Keep that thought and work hard, but also recognise that we are always going to fall short and that sometimes we have to jump towards Guruji and let him guide us. Be fearless in loving and serving Guru, rest he will help with. Start with Ardaas :)

I find sikhism to be a natural religion and would love to embrace it. However practically I cant grow a beard or not cut my hair? what is the sikh answer to this dilema? Thanks

Thanks for your question and we do agree about loving Sikhi. The way to resolve this is to think long term. You see the beard and uncut hair are an essential part of the Khalsa way, however not all Sikhs are part of the Khalsa but they should aspire to it one day. Whatever your current situation is may change. You might be able to keep the hair or your own heart loves Guruji so much that you change the circumstances in order to follow Him.
However, first things first. Everyone must meditate on Gods name and live a moral life. So our advice would be to start living as a Sikh, start chanting Gods name, listen to the daily prayers like Japji Sahib in the morning, learn the meanings of it from our youtube channel playlist (Japji Sahib) and also start to control your lust, anger, greed, pride and attachment and embrace Humility, Truth, Contentment, Compassion, Justice and Forgiveness. As you walk this way, you will be blessed and Guruji will guide you to the rest. Good luck and Guru keep you close to his feet.

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When we say Mahraj, are we referring to Waheguru or the 10 gurus? And also are we the son and daughters of Waheguru or the 10 gurus? Please answer veerji, really confused!

Dont be confused so much. Maharaaj means king and depending on the context, people use it for all sorts. Sometimes Vaheguru, Sometimes Gurus and sometimes even for chardikala Sikhs.
Guru is the light of Vaheguru. Its hard for us to even understand how great they are. We are the children of that One and Guru reflects the One, same light, same power..

As is written by our guru the world will one day come to an end and everything will go back into the one therefore is it really that bad if we don't connect with the one in this life because ultimately we're all going to become one with the one once the world goes back to its origin

Think of two people in Love who adore each other, cannot bear to be apart and then offered them chance to live together millions of lifetimes later rather than now...
You can take that separation if you want... Gurbani sings the song of love, of the pain of separation and the desire to re-unite, now, in this life. "Baeg miloh, jan karoh na bilahba" (Meet this slave now, please dont delay).
If you dont feel that pain, then start to do some simran and the inner pain will come out, its called bairaag. Guruji begs for that thirst, for that pain. "Pooran hoi hamari aasa, tor bhajan ki rehe piaasa"

Why are shastars placed in front of Guru Granth Sahib Ji? VJKK VJKF

"Pritham Bhagauti Simar ke, Guru Nanak Lei Dhiaae" First remember the sword and then Remember Guru Nanak. So the shastar (weapon) is the Guru's form and are always used to decorate Guru Granth Sahib ji.


Language: English