

Ask @ayakoscharacters

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Who was the last person you met today?

well uh
i hvent met anyone rly but the last person i talked to was 2 of my friends on the way home

R U HOMOPHOBIC OmG ??!?!??!?!?

im totally cool with it and all u lgbtq peeps are rad keep going my friends
im just not comfortable rping fxf even though im a total hypocrite rping mxm
Liked by: Lierre and chars

well maybe try someone it's that's for her to relate to then. It makes for interesting dynamics, especially in romance. Though I can see why it would be a problem, what with her living on a ship most the time. But think dynamically, not statically. Maybe Ramsey needs someone who will make her change

no the thing about ramsey is that she doesnt want to change because its jist who she is
she cant live without the sea and she'd be incredibly sad stuck on land
ramsey on land is a beached dolphin

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darn. i only have female kias. they'd looked so pretty together tho unnfff

lol yea
i can see her liking girls but im not comfortable rping it sorry

all of mine r open for rps but ?? idk how any of them would really meet ramsey except eidrik, but that wouldn't be a romance thing, lmao, hes old enough to be her father not to mention asteria. but hmu if any of the others?? shrug

yea see thats the problem
cries into a pillow
shes not easily relatable because she lives on a ship and doesnt leave it often

What happened to Ramsey and Remus?

nothing just for personal reasons id like it if she had the chance to rp with others instead of only being stuck in one rp ^^;

(c/ped from fc)

im looking for mostly leading into romance rps for ramsey (link in sig) 
shes a pirate so uh preferably someone who could relate in some way idk
pm me?? or send an ask idc

What do you thibk of chat RP?

i dont rly like it
i tend to either get rly lazy or rly ooc
i prefer paragraph style

LITERALLY ME SINCE 6TH GRADE || @kias what's your favorite way to annoy someone?

callisto;; i dont try to annoy
ramsey;; poking and prodding tends to work
klavier;; yelling.
abel;; ?? ??

If your kias could change their name to anything, what would it be?

callisto;; kalliope ouo
ramsey;; jaqueline
klavier;; alastair
abel;; avare

BORING? try sitting at school all day doing I KID YOU NOT, NOTHING in any of my classes. I wasn't even able to fall asleep it was terrible ;o;

we had hiv aids shit today and im like whAT DO I NOT KNOW HERE THAT I CANT LEARN FROM INTERNEt

Just curious, what makes you not like val capitalized? Do teachers nip at ur ass about it?

jes us im gonna have to make a faq or somethign
i just dont like it simple it looks weird

What's the best concert you've ever been to?

i was at a regina spektor concert in 09 and after one of her songs someone yelled "have my babies" and she responded with "dunno wjy but they say it in every state"

Who are some people in the kiamara community you'd like to get to know better?

nobody rly
i know everyone as much as i want to know them

hey anon who just sent me thing

go fuck yourself
you dont have to go around sending shit to people to prove a point i mean seriously grow a fucking pair and say what you think on your own instead of using other peoples words

What do you think of fandom/show-based characters?

looks at abel and nervously laughs
honestly i dont mind them your character your thing no one can tell u different
Liked by: Mord shinji

april; klavier klavier klavier are you excited

klavier;; fuck yES -super hella rad high five and light shines from their rings- holla
Liked by: pandora


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