

Ask @ayakoscharacters

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What do you look forward to most this year?

summer bc digipen and i could find myself a cute bf :0 there are few cute but quality boys at digipen and my job is to fiN D THEM ALL

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ah darn, I want to RP with you buuut im not very good at roleplaying :U im scared you would judge me omg

i can adapt :o i dont judge on rp ability unless youre like rl Y bad like keamar: sits on rock and loks 4 fod
usually i go by how well i think the chars would be togethr!!

Do you dig the Doctor? Are you a whovian?

makes a big x with arms
watched it, didnt rly get into it, sorry

What would you do if you woke up and all the other people were gone?

make friends with all the animals
learn first aid and how to drive
raid all the stores
find out how to use generators

ooo nice job on Isabel's revamp! I know you'll take awesome care of her and if you ever wanna rp her and her daughter Smaug hmu :o

ty !!! and ill keep it in mind :0

revamp !!

finished her revamp :9
she was ramsey's first mate before she disappeared and now owns the ship and with it, the crew. they've changed to the "raiders" and they're a lot more "plundery". isabela is very sassy and flirty, and quite ambitious. she used to live in a strange place called thedas before, and tells stories about her friends from a world far away. isabela is a pro smuggler, fighter, and singer, and enjoys herself in the many pubs scattered across the lands, singing with the other pirates and relaxing. she and her raiders are sometimes hired as a mercenary band, and they do crazy jobs.
im looking for rps for her !! if romance, she is bi !
Liked by: palmie sooshy MintCat

here we witness an addiction

possibly named isabela after dragon age isabela but idk we wILL SEEEEEE
Liked by: Soul

woo hoo !!!

apple approved my myo !! im super excited to introduce thanatos! ! or just theo (tayo) lol
he's basically hades' secretary and he deals with all the paperwork and appointments for hades when he's gone which is often
his full name is thanatos, but he goes by theo (pronounced tayo)
he gets overworked and stressed and doesnt get much sleep in general lmao
his blue eye only glows when hes pissed off and its only his blue eye !! his black n white eye is basically blind, but he has crap vision anyways so glasses. i need to finish his items l8r lmao
im looking 2 rp him a bit so if youre interested, pm me ! he works on an offi comes up on the topside to relax, mostly at parks or the sea bc he works a lot an he needs 2 chill
if youre interested in romance theres a small chance but otherwise !! rp with me

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Would you use a self-driving car or drive yourself?



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