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changing it up a bit

ok whoever guesses the m ost can get a free sketch of their mayor, fav villager, or mayor and villager yes

Matvey: *Pats Viktor's hand gently.* Thassokay. I won't hug you if it makes you nerrvous.

viktor;; see this is why you are favorite nephew

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aleksei: it iz not nice to threaten ur little brother

viktor;; i threaten everyone and i support equal rights :)

Matvey: *Wanders up to Viktor.* Uncle Viktorrr if papa's not allowed to hug you does that mean I'm not allowed to eitherrr? D:

viktor;; -looks down at matvey- well you are #1 nephew so you can hug me, but not very long it makes me nervous

aleksei: ouch viktor that iz cruel i may be done having kid but i rather not loze ability to :'(

viktor;; then do not put ur ability on the line i will not hesitate

aleksei: you zay nyet but my brotherly pzychic zense iz telling me da ;;;) *outstretches arms*

viktor;; if you put your arms around me, you will never have any kids ever again

looking for rps

im looking for a couple of rps for samson
(for those of u i am rping with ill get to u in a sec ive been p busy as of late)
samson is a complicated guy who complains and whines about just about everything. he's not a very romantic guy, and although he secretly enjoys it, he shows next to no pda at all. he's got a sharp tongue and sarcasm fills about every part of him that isnt being used by something else. this is all mostly because he abhors any company at all, unless they're good friends of his. he is a very isolated guy, and spends most of his time fishing by the pond, listening to classical music (klavier drilled the music into his head, he can't stand anything else) and surrounded by cats.
i am looking for romantic rps. he is homoflexible, but ill have you know, unless your kia is ratchet (from the game ratchet and clank) or incredibly handsome, there will not be any instant attraction from him. your kia /will/ have to pry him out of his annoyingly clasped shut shell.

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tell me something scary

when i was a toddler, i woke up in the middle of the night and saw a red balloon in my room, and lights flashing outside, and i got so scared i peed myself and went out to the couch to sleep on an arm chair next to my mom
then later when i was like 6-7 it happened again and to this day i fuckign hate balloons
Liked by: Null and Lumi Nova

Till what age would you like to live and why?

hmmmmmmm this is a strange question for me
i can never see myself past 30 tbh
sure its likely ill live longer but idk like even as i get closer and closer to 18 its just weird
Liked by: happy-stabby


Language: English