

Ask @ayakoscharacters

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Matvey: But I don't know what kind you like. Orr is anything okay? *Murmurs.* Maybe I should just get a whole bunch... It's summerr and I can brring the leftovers home....

akula;; as long as it's not chocolate, ill be fine >:)

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Matvey: Okay then, let's go! What kind do you like- Ah, wait. Are you surre yourr parrents would be alrright with you going with me? I /am/ a strrangerr, afterr all....

akula;; youre just gonna get it without me B)

Is Akula still looking for kind of members or followers for her kid gang? I have a kia that would be a bit of a gentle follower and would kind of go on with whatever she did so i think that would be okay?

yes pls

favorite custom or breeded kias? any line set

mine laughs rl y hard
also blues customs lik e mAN I WANT THOSe

Akula's such a cutie.

Null and Lumi
ty friend although like a shark she does not hesitate to bite anyone who calls her that
also why the hell would you be in front of a shark anyways
those things are vicios

Matvey: ... You mean a brrain....? Hmmm, let's see... I can ah, buy you ice crream orr something?

akula;; hmmm that sounds like a good proof!

Matvey: Everryone has a hearrt, though! Orr, y'know, you'd die. But ah, how can I show you that this isn't a joke....?

akula;; i mean like… a heart in here -points to her h ead- im not sure. prove it yourself

Matvey: .... Oh. Uhm, okay then.... Ahhh I prromise I'm not lying! Crross my hearrt....?

akula;; -narrows her eyes even more- that is,, if you have one!

Matvey: Ehh? That's... Kind of sad, rreally... I mean, you'rre just a nice little kid, rright...? Anyways, I prromise that I'm not prranking you!

akula;; -laughs- being nice is for losers. and i dunno! you could be lying to me -narrows eyes-

Matvey: Eh? Why would anyone send me herre? I just kind of.... Wanderred herre, I suppose...

akula;; youre the first nice one to come by… are you sure someone isnt pranking me

Matvey: ovo Ahhh you'rre so fluffy and yourr hairr is so currly and- *Takes a deep breath.* Ah, sorry about that, I got a little carried away therre....

akula;; -looks at matvey skeptically- did someone send you here??

drop me a sick beat. what is the definition of ignition, is it an altercation or an affirmation? does this ask cause you aggravation or captivation? i would like some recognition, but how can i get some, with all this reinvention and procrastination? dinosaur.

dave is that u
Liked by: Null and Lumi

Your favorite nursery beans? Don't have to be newer ones, can be as old as NB #1.

lOL i have no clue about nursery beans the only one i know is kellys pan

Ey im doing art requests so if you want me to doodle a character of yours send me a link and some small important personality traits c:

fjsjeje i cant grab a link sinc e im on my phone but akula s down the page somewhere and her persknality is like
snarky selfish and fighty

ixion;; *looks disgusted and squirms away* EW EW EW EW YOU HAVE COOTIES

akula;; -cackles- now you got cooties too!!

kaia: -pats akula's head- it's okay i ate bugs too when i was little

akula;; see im not the only one!!

-snorts with laughter- xD i know you dont like this but ahhhhfff your so ughuuu -sets her down gently- okok uwu hehehe

akula;; fidgets wildly and runs behind a thing
Liked by: Emmigator


Language: English