

Ask @ayakoscharacters

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What's the most expensive thing you've ever broken?

i dont break expensive things :) probably my ds or something

This question is overused but; ships? Crushes? (To all)

all is a lot so ceirals, kias, and jbds
calli's only ship is callihail but im open for rping with her so anything really atm
viktor is with win
ramsey is with remus
klaviers with april
abels with malik
samson is all on his own, but im open for rps with him too pLS
akula has 1 ship but its a secret :)
coma is with alex
freya with caesar ((ill probs revamp her later ))
kali is on her own and open for rps
chromas is shipped with aiden but im also open to rp her with others
kumquat is shipped with miyu :)
by open for rping i mean pls rp with me
Liked by: albinoBroccoli Mord

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i wanna rp chroma

lays down all over the ground
shes a crazy graffiti artist who is constantly on the run from cops
shes somewhat good at parkour so jumping buildings is a hobby
chroma also enjoys "borrowing" and then giving back at an undisclosed date
she wears bandages over her chest and baggy jeans and likes to spray everything with nontoxic paint
chromas prone to passing out a lot because of fume inhalation and has a bad sense of smell cos of it too
shes great tho and rly spunky and crazy
im pretty open to rping anything but i just really wanna rp her in general

species yo

i made this species ill be doing on dA
im gonna be doing auctions for some usd so ,,,
but there might be points or DTA/OTA's so thats cool
the first one will be an OTA tho so :)
if the auctions when i do them go over 10-15 bucks then ill throw in a bouncy icon ill be working on today as well
i might look for artists later too so keep ur eyes peeled!!

hnnnng if I didn't still need like $200 for university tuition I would totally commission you -flails helplessly- good luck earning money thoooo! (everyone should commission you, do it do it.)

Tempy's Characters
i appreciate u for ur kind words pats
i need like 60 bucks oTL so thats like 12 comissions??? get em while theyre hot


hi guys! im in need of help oTL
i need to make some money by a certain time, so im opening up 5$ commissions. sadly not points atm, but maybe later. im offering fullbody shaded, animated blinking eyes, pretty much anything i can make. you can see examples on my dA (link in my sig)
this is a little more than i usually charge, but i need the money fast oTL
pm me or note me if youre interested.

day 2

c/ps from dA
"Draw your favorite pokemon!"
typhlosion omg
i would draw entei but i have fav legendary to do later anyways so
anyways check out his attitude its beelz the typhlosion
my sister didnt do this one because her fav is in a diff challenge
Liked by: MC mango

pokemon challenge day 1 yo

im doin it for my sis and me cos she cant draw lol
dont be fooled shes actually taller than me and 23 i just draw them separately and uploaded them separately lol
i started this yesterday tho so hue h but ill b posting todays challenge later
"Day 1: Draw yourself as a pokemon trainer!"

Your kias' significant others have somehow switched sexes! How do your kias react?

ramsey, calli, and klavier would b chill with it
viktor would flip out and disappear
akula if she had one would probsb male so shed be like "yuk" and ditch them
same with sam
abel wouldnt care

c: Rofl yeah I've noticed Kat and I are a lot alike. I'm a little younger than her and I'm online way more often so it probably does seem like I'm a mini-her xD

lo l yea its like kat from the past
Liked by: Tempy's Characters

Whispers no one is sending me opinion things but what is the opinion of the fennec nowadays xD

l ol man i get u
u seem p cool i still dont know u super well but ur like.... mini kat in a way if that makes sense
ur also hella rad because ur the only one who talks to me without me being annoying oTL
Liked by: Tempy's Characters

three mord swurk and foul?

me and 3 are chill but we dont talk a lot,,, im lame with rping with her oTL she stole my shinji
me and mord are r cool now and were super buddy now but we used to hate each other omg and now we rp and chat and ya
i dont know swirk v well
i rly like foul and her art and cassius and i rly wanna rp with her B'(

le Bonke

were cool and all and ur rly rad and ur chars are awesome but we stopped talking as much :( sometimes i get a bit annoyed with u since u kind of fly back and forth from things u like and since ur kias are based off the chars from things u like its kind of lame when i wanna rp but u get bored with it and its easy to tell :( otherwise were p cool and i enjoy talking to u

apple talon

i wish me and apple talked a lot more :( i actually like talking to her and rping with her but she doesnt rp v much with me but we kind of drifted
me and talon were never really close and im just kind of iffy about her in general and i dont really try to talk with her ^^; i guess her arts k and stuff but i dont have much to say about her


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