

Ask @ayakoscharacters

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How do you usually express your emotions?

if im happy then its all good
but if im pissed off i usually hurt people oTL
one time i beat a kid with a cafeteria chair because he was making inappropriate passes at me
Liked by: Emmigator


i made my GA custom oTL
if u know who he is i <3 u pls talk to me and rp with me
{Vash is a kind soul, a lover, not a fighter. He's got a bad reputation for accidentally wreaking havoc on a nearby city, but even though he's tried to forget, the bounty on his head still lies. Vash is a pacifist, and will stop at no end to keep the peace. He's a bit of a womanizer, but that's probably the worst of it. He's incredibly selfless and will stand in front of a bullet to save another. In no way is it alright to kill another in his book. He wanders the deserts and towns, trying to look for a place to settle down where no one will remember or know who he really is. He loves eating donuts, and its a surefire way to gain his trust.}
ew lame description
((if u can t tell hes based off the great humanoid typhoon/vash the stampede from trigun :)))) )
i mig th make a wolfwood psuedo woops depends on how inspired i am
unshaded; http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/257/b/e/unshaded_by_entei_s-d7z8v3l.png ((it looks better))
i need to finish his coat up but it will be here l8r :)

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Will there be a chatzy again tonight?

there is i just have reall bad internt and i wasnt able to upload it
also !! i try to only do these on the weekend so no one gets sick of them during th week and all of us can have fun so :))

What is the most played song in your music library?

i think its sweater weather
but i listen to the piano version of where is my mind like every day and thats not in my library so
Liked by: QueenGay

What is the Universe made of?

dark energy & dark matter (its all super theory stuff))
dark matter is what holds everything in place, im not too sure about energy
stars, asteroids, planets, sattelites, galaxies, black holes, quasars, quarks lots of cool stuff

i'm getting my hair short and i might get it like yours.. is it worth it at all??

pete [thanks pete]
well dont get it exactly like mine, be unique and dye part of it a crazy color or somethinglol
but yea !!! super low maintinence haircut and i never styled it in my life ahahah the back is a little iffy because my hairstylist always whines when i get my hair cut short
dude but getting you hair short is such a fun experience you just see all this hair come off and your head feels 100lbs lighter and you feel super light and fluttery on the inside and i love my short hair so much im never going back !!
i never have to put it up or anything and since its bleached and short i dont have to wash it as often (shh) so its eco friendly who'd a thought
if i accidentally fall asleep with my hair still wet it flicks up so thats funny


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