

Ask @ayakoscharacters

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I'm Sure things will go smoothly for you Cudi, keep calm and cool, don't scare her off now.

cudi; -laughs- they say that about everything now, huh?

I wish you luck in love, lea! -- To Cudi: Ohhh, wonder if you're find love in this crush, or do you think it'd be a fling?

cudi: you never really know. barely know her name right now, so too early to say.

Ohohoho, Cool dude Cudi does have a crush? Even a kinda one? Who might it be?

(just got on a bus, caN't DRAW SCREM)
cudi; yea, she about.. yea big? -lifts hand to his mid chest- she cute.


me n ceru started this cool rp blog where our kias live in the same world
this is basically like a homestuck type deal (the only way i can rly describe it), all answers are drawn and you guys are the ones suggesting the next action for our kias to do, or directing the camera to someone else and just exploring the drama and lives of our kias :)

What are your beans/OCs most likely to get arrested for?

chroma; vandalism and public indecency
fun fact shes already been arrested for both
kumquat would get arrested for jaywalking hes pretty tame

Imagine your beans on a road trip! Describe the scene inside the car

chroma: -constant screaming of song lyrics-
kumquat: -knocked the fuck out-
both: sudden realization neither of them drives


Language: English