

Ask @ayakoscharacters

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Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken?

Callisto;; I haven't been in a relationship yet, so I cannot say for sure, but I have been heart broken.
Coma;; Heart breaker. I don't know why it usually ends up like that, but it does.
Freya;; I don't know, actually.
Fauna;; Uh...
Kali;; Heart breaker, of course.
Aquarius;; Heart broken.
Liked by: littlielies

all kias;; who do you like? what do you look for in a mate? and use five words to describe yourself

Callisto;; Hmm.... I haven't been out long enough to see, but there are many lovely faces that intrigue me.
For the mate question, I'd say someone who is patient. There are some things that will take me a while to open up about. Five words? I'd say I am generous, kind, introverted, satisfied, but maybe a tad lonely.

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What art form do you like best?

Callisto;; Hmm. I love all kinds, but music and readable art is my favorite.
Kali;; The art of murder! Nah, I'm kidding. I love nature's own art, as dumb as it sounds.
Freya;; Drawn art, it's great.
Fauna;; Hmm... I like written works!
Coma;; I don't care much.
Aquarius;; Music.

hi fauna~ ・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚☆彡

Fauna;; Oh, hi! How are you? May I ask who this is?

What's one thing you wish you had the courage to do?

Callisto;; To tell the truth, or to change.
Kali;; I don't need courage, I've gotten what I need.
Coma;; I don't know. There is one thing, but I'd don't think I'll share.
Freya;; Wrestle another bear!
Fauna;; Climb a tree. Eek!
Aquarius;; Uh. I don't know?

Do u liek mudpies?

for future reference this is a stupid question and i usually delete stupid questions
dont take offense i just dont find these amusing in any way


as i return to my computer, having eaten some dinner and grabbing some lukewarm tea, i notice that there is another red circle above the question mark. curious as to who sent me something now, and whether or not it was hate again, i clicked it. i was not prepared for the one word that had entered my inbox. "boop" written in lowercase letters greeted me, and hy heart sank. tears began to fill my eyes. i felt lost, betrayed, and almost like my life was over. whoever had sent this, had known my weakness, and they planned to use it against me. i closed the computer, tears streaming from my face, and i turned off my phone, heading to sleep again. i could only wish for eternal rest.

Do you think there's any competition for Viktor's contest? If so, who? {I personally know you're going to win, hahaha}

o well thank u
i wouldnt say that tho, there are really some other amazing forms there
if i wasnt so competitive, i would probably like them
id say rivkah is one because shes put a lot of real life time into it, making her doll and her posters, and her character is quite interesting
silverwolf is one as well, seeing her amv that she made for 353 specifically (secret;; i reused mine from 348 because 353 fit the personality for 348 better) and her character is unique.
i think the other one was claire;;?
yea, shes got all this nice info, and even tho its short i like her form a lot. a lot of pretty bird and things
Liked by: Lierre and chars

no i am very happy that you are responding well to anon hate ahAAHAHAHH silly children

mango sherbet
nah man i really dont care because its like calling someone stupid and bthen ur like wait then why am i sending this doesnt that make eme stupi d too?? ? ?? ?? ?

oh my god that other answer was perfection i'm crying

mango sherbet
yea man look at me im great
also are they implying im gonna win ramsey because now i feel somewhat happy is something wrong with me

You don't deserve Ramsey

ok before u say i dont deserve her, im gonna tell u a thing.
ive been waiting for a kia like this since 311. i lost, and i was absolutely devastated. regardless, i didnt send anyone anon hate, or any sort of hate. i simply asked her new owner that if she ever no longer wanted her kia, i wouldve gladly taken it. now, i see a new oppurtunity. ive fallen in love with her, and honestly, i dont give a crap if u think i sould drop out because i wont.


as i look over to my computer, having just woken up from a four hour nap, i sigh seeing questions. no doubt are they about the size of male genetalia. when i read through the three "questions" a single tear runs down my face, and i smile. baby's first anon hate.
Liked by: mango sherbet

Do you have a crush?

Callisto;; A little. Not big though.
Coma;; Alex? Does she count?
Freya;; Not exactly.
Kali;; Who has time for crushes? I just do what I want, when I want, with whomever.
Aquarius;; Eh.

lel kali y u so meaaannnn

Kali;; I get this question on a daily basis, and I'll tell you what I always tell those brats. I'm mean because it's how I'm respected and feared. Perfect, no?

What made you happy today?

Callisto;; Nothing really today.
Coma;; I almost found a new bottle.
Freya;; I found a snake
Kali;; Watching those little freaks scream for their mothers.
Aquarius;; My daily swim.

At least her owner is fairly active -shrugs- mine was 150. The winners form was so short and they never use her ovo

fairly i knoe
but i ju st
i dont think i could ever use that idea again vnv
pats anon im sorry that happened to u too

What Kia was it your mad about bc I wanna know about yer pirate kia

it was 311 vnv i was really devastated when i lost and i really wish i worked harder or something sigh
idk i felt that contest was a littl e bit unfair
had it been a impress me contest you bet ur little booty i wouldve won even if i died i loved it so muc h


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