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Noiz;; *watches Aoba closely as he climbs down, eyeing him*

Aoba;; -reaches noiz and looks around before sitting down on the cement- So, what's up?
Liked by: Noiz

-sniggers- Well, you live an interesting life. I mostly just play my guitar or throw punches at civilians that bother me.

Courtney Freeman
Kali;; All is fair in love and war, or whatever the saying is. You should try throwing the pipe, it's my personal favorite.
Liked by: Courtney Freeman

Noiz;; *waits for nightfall and makes his way back towards Aoba's house*

Aoba;; -sees Noiz out the window and slides it open, crawling out onto the balcony, and then climbing out to the ground-
Liked by: Noiz

Noiz;; *follows after Aoba, curious*

Aoba;; keep up, alright? -soon reaches the house belueeglcvslvdh- Come here later, when nobody is out. Otherwise the people might catch you.
Liked by: Noiz

Noiz;; *blinks a few times before looking Aoba in the eyes* Sure. Time and place.

Aoba;; -looks around suspiciously- Come by my house tonight. I'll show you where it is later.
Liked by: Noiz

Noiz;; *stares at Aoba's pout* Well, it might have been something more.. But you disappeared..

Aoba;; You're going to have to fill me in on this, but not so publically. -furrows brows-
Liked by: Noiz

Noiz;; *sighs* What is bothering me is that you have completely forgotten who I am, or what I was to you.

Aoba;; You said fling, didn't you? If you called it that, it doesn't seem too important. -pouts-
Liked by: Noiz

Noiz;; *scowls* Just peachy

Aoba;; Are you just going to be a grouch this whole time or are you even going to talk about what's bothering you?
Liked by: Noiz

Noiz;; Just forget it.. You'll completely forget about my anyways.. Like I never existed.. Like you already do..

Aoba;; You alright there buddy?
Liked by: Noiz

Noiz;; You're too chippy.. To happy too see me leave.. Like everyone else.. *shakes his head*

Aoba;; -completely confused sits down and wonders wtf is this guy-
Liked by: Noiz

Noiz;; Hmph.. *starts to walk off* Doesn't remember, doesn't matter..

Aoba;; -wonders what the hell is happening- Alright! See ya!
Liked by: Noiz

Noiz;; What's it to you? *scowls, coldness slightly seeping into his voice*

Aoba;; Whoa! Why the sudden anger? I just asked a question, no need to get defensive, sheesh.
Liked by: Noiz


Language: English