

Ask @ayakoscharacters

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[[ Remus wishes he could, but sadly Kifo isn't keen on his son sailing off into the sunset x'D ]] Remus; Ooooh I'd love to come and see it!!!! :D

Ramsey;; Meet me at the docks whenever you're free, but we sail off in two days, once the sun rises!
(lol man he can visit the calypso ramsey would be yaaayy friend)

OH MY GOSH. RAMSEY LIKES SHIPS AND THE OCEANS. SHE AND REMUS MUST BE FRIENDS. Remus; -bounces over- Yarr!! Me name be Cap'n Remus!! And you are?

Tempy's Characters
ramsey doesnt just like the stuff, she lives in it :o
Ramsey;; Pleasure to meet a fellow captain. The name is Ramsey, and I sail aboard the gallant Calypso. Wanna come and see? ouo

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A ship reaches a dock, with crew members jumping off the deck. Ropes are thrown down and the ship is tied down. A wooden ramp is slid down to the dock, and a young kia in a regal red coat walks down.

"The name is /Captain/ Ramsey. Captain to you. I'm new to these shores, but trust me, you'll see me around!" She grins and stands proudly, hands on her hips
(welcome ramsey to the scene, ask her q's dudes)

What will you never do?

Viktor;; I will never give up.
Ramsey;; I'll never leave my ship and crew! A captain always goes down with her ship!
Callisto;; I don't think I'll ever forget him.
Chroma;; I'm never gonna get caught
Coma;; I'm never staying up a whole 24 hours. Ugh.
Freya;; I'm never not gonna wrestle a boar :D
Kali;; What's the point in not doing something? You have to try everything once.
Aoba;; I'll never give away my headphones.

What scares you more than anything else?

the fact that our world could come crumbling down around us with one button
one submit
one word
one nuclear launch
one nicely laid out plan to attack
and we would never see it coming

*Hisses* Anon you freaking leave Ayako alone, like what the freak? Something obviously brought this out of you, now stop impersonating Doodles, pack up your attention act and leave. Seriously. I hate seeing people bashing on others they don't even personally know.

Izzy's Place
whoa izzy calm shhh
im not entirely sure whats going on but it seems like something happening

I'm considering making a character weebly like yours, but I have to ask, can you use image codes and URL linking?

not rly??? it doesnt use bbcode but it still keeps links if u c/p info i think. all of the tools are in the web thing, and its easyish :u

Hey Chroma, looks like you've made quite a splash in your first day! Who have you met so far?

Chroma;; -smirks- Met a couple of kids, Friday and April, -leans over- (seems to me their parents like the whole month day year thing) -straightens up- Met a girl named Fleur, and some interesting character who didn't say his name, assuming he /can/

Noiz;; I care! *slightly growls, frustrated, pushes off the wall and starts to walk off*

Aoba;; - is left behind, completely confused, but then stalks over - Then calm down and help me out! I have no idea what's going on right now!
Liked by: Noiz

Elle: -waves to Chroma- I haven't seen you before! ouo so I guess you're new? || Devon: -waves- ^^'

Chroma;; -nods- Yep, you guessed correct. New an' ready to rumble. Hello to you too, guy.

I like the way you think, Kali. We should meet up more often; You're much more interesting than everyone else I have met. -smirks, flicking hair back-

Courtney Freeman
Kali; -claps a pair of hands together- Sounds fine. If you ever would like to meet, you can find me in an alley. -smiles-
Liked by: Courtney Freeman

Noiz;; It doesn't matter now.. Its done and over with... *sighs slightly*

Aoba;; If it doesn't matter, then why are you here? Sheesh, you are so confusing!
Liked by: Noiz

Noiz;; *waves it off* It wasn't som- *cuts himself off, looking away* Doesn't matter anyways...

Aoba;; Huh? What did you say? -tilts head curiously-
Liked by: Noiz

Noiz;; Yeah.. *crosses arms, slightly looks at Aoba from the corner of his eyes*

Aoba;; Really though? I can't seem to remember any of that. I remember I woke up in a hospital somewhere, but they'd told me I'd been in a fight. -looks away- I'm sorry I can't remember.
Liked by: Noiz

Noiz;; You wanted to take him on, to get rid of Oval Tower and so you did. I ended up following you to help you and things got carried away for a little while. *looks away*

Aoba;; Oh? How? -notices Noiz looking away- Oh! really?
Liked by: Noiz


Language: English