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Dream kia(s)?

i know im gonna sound dumb here
marten baby (it happened im so sorry), mei, keres, desmond, aleron, elderine (idk i love him too)
any other kias i dreamed of having i have won so thank u :> callisto has to be my absolute favorite over every single kia ever i really just cannot see myself in the community without her

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Balaur: but my Daddy tone does it to himself, usually when he hurts his paw on something. Usually somting about a bitch and god. he does it.

Ramsey;; -totally in shock- Those are bad words! But that's different cause he doesn't mean it. Still, that s not good! You should always think of yourself as cool!

Balaur: Why does it make me feel bad? -glares are her and her nose flares in a short-

Ramsey;; Well, you didn't like it when i called you a dumbdumb, did you? So you shouldn't do it yourself.

Dragon: because only i can! -looks at her when she hits the floor and makes a baby growl-

Ramsey;; -shakes her head- But that's not good! You should never call yourself names. It's dumb and it makes you feel bad. -stomps her foot and closes her eyes for a while before glaring at Dragon-

Dragon: -closes her eyes and growls a bit, then jumps at Ramsey- shut up!!only I can say that about me!

Ramsey;; -dodges angry baby dragon- Whoa! Watch the coat! And plus, why would you be calling yourself mean things, when you don't want to be called them anyways?!

Dragon: -makes a disgruntled noise and glances off- darn it. I thought it was an insult -pulls her ears back and whispers- now i look like a dumb dumb

Ramsey;; -nods and grins- And a big dumb dumb you are!

Dragon: I don't even know what that means!! but you go... you go.. swab the deck! I think thats an insult... (oh hoh hoh... is she talkin' pirate now too?)

Ramsey;; -laughs- With pleasure. Keeping a ship clean is one of the most important things! You can go walk the plank!

Dragon: well, at least i'm not a doogey head!! -sticks her tongue out too- (doogey... dragon, you're so cute >u<)

Ramsey;; >n< Well.. You're a piece of kraken bait! -scrunches up her nose-

Dragon: Hnmph! Why are you so sure?! Yer only a baby two!

Ramsey;; I'm like… -counts on her paws- 11! Older than you! I'm sure cause I'm sure and I believe in my crew! I don't need a better reason! -sticks tongue out again-

Dragon: Well, this proves my point more! >: [ My daddy Dindin would totally kicks yours ten times harder.

Ramsey;; As long as I'm fighting with my crew, we won't lose! A captain goes down with her ship!

Dragon: Pirates are dumb too, just like you >:< -sits proudly in front of the sword- my daddy will kick your butt. (shhh its the way she says it)

Ramsey;; Pirates are awesome! I am one, thank you very much. My crew can kick both your daddy's butts. Twice! -scowls-

Dragon: I'm naught your mate you dumb dumb. -glares and curls her tail around her paws- Jeez.

Ramsey;; -lets out a lonnng sigh- It's a pirate term, "dumb dumb". -points sword at dragon- Of course, a measly baby like you wouldn't understand!
talon wot r u implying)
Liked by: Lierre and chars

Dragon: -stares are Ramsey- Is there something wrong with you?

Ramsey;; -sticks out her tongue- Nothin's wrong with me, matey! I'm just ready for the sea, wherever it takes me, dumb baby! (someone does not like children)

Calypso // -smiles- Alrighty! c; I'll see you soon! Do you want me to PM you, ayako? c;

Trench;; -nods-
shor e if u want idc

Calypso // -blinks- I... uh... well, we all have reasons for who we are. For example, I am being distant with you as you are with me. But, I... uh... maybe we should hang out sometime? c; You say you've seen a lot of things... and I'd love to hear about them!

Trench;; -narrows his eyes- … Alright. I'm not sure if they are things worth sharing, but if you are interested, I will tell you.

Calypso // Hmm -studies- You seem oddly distant. Why is that?

Trench;; I have my reasons for who I am, but seeing what I've seen, I also have a lot to think about.


Language: English