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Dante;; Mom says it means enduring... she called me that cause after I was born I burst into flames and wouldn't stop burning for most of the day. v_v It was hard to get me to eat anything. >_>

Klavier;; My name means keys on a keyboard. I like it a lot. I wanna play piano when I'm older! -grins-
(sounds painful omfg}

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Dnate;; fire face? xD Well long hairs, my names Dante. *says so very proudly*

Klavier;; -tilts his head and narrows his eyes- What does it mean?

(lol but Dante's being mean -u-) Dante;; :'P fine fine. So *places his hands behind his head* what's your name anyways?

Klavier;; -narrows eyes and holds his hat down- Klavier, but don't call me Avi! Only momma and pappa and Zhenya can do that! What about you, fire face?

Ayden; *Nods* I think so, my mom said that it's hard to dye black hair like yours *touches his hair lightly*

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; - shakes his head out and frowns- Don't touch it! You'll mess it up!

Ayden; I dunno, I think your hair is nice though, it wouldn't change color just because of the johnsomething though

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; o.o Are you sure? I like my hair how it is.

Dante;; You can't touch my burning roses dummy -u- *knocks his hat off again*

Klavier;; -pulls his hat up and over his eyes, sniffling- Don't touch my hat! I don't like it!
(wow crybaby)

Dante;; vuv oh, so, you don't like it...when I touch your hat? >u>

Klavier;; Yea! So don't touch it, or Im gonna pull your roses! -sticks his tongue out and holds his hat-

What nationality is your Kia?

calli is scottish, viktor is russian, ramsey is portugese/english and klavier is whatever his dad is im so ry lana i gotta read him up more

Dante;; *looks at Klavier some sold seconds* You got a nice head of hair :T too bad you ruin it with a hat .-. *knocks it off*

Klavier;; No! -screeches and pulls the hat on- It's my hat! Dont touch it!

Ayden; I know .n. I wish that she used a different johnsomething so my hair wouldn't be blue...

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; -starts making sure his hair isnt yellow- You sure its cos of that??

Ayden; That's cool, it sounds like what my mom uses for my hair *touches own hair*

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; -looks absolutely dumbfounded- You mean there's more than one of the johnsomething

Ayden; *smiles shyly* I like your hair, it's-it's really cool.

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; Thanks! Mommy uses johnsomthign and it makes it really soft -eyes widen as he threads his fingers through his hair-


Language: English