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(Glitch revives him with a full restore) Glitch; A move in a video game, you wouldn't really know unless you played it n.n

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; What video game? Is it for the DS? -starts hopping a little-

Glitch; Maybe she uses the move Attract? (xDD Ellie uses Attract! It's super effective! Sal seems to be all dumbfounded and woozy!)

Izzy's Place
(klavier fainted in frustration)
Klavier;; What's that?

Glitch; Ick, I don't like girly girls, they are always wimpy. Stay away from them, they will only drag you down. Hmm, maybe secret mind telepathy is why he gets all dumb. xD

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; -whispers- It's the flowers.

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Glitch; Well I will ahve to meet him sometime than, he sounds cool enough to hang with you or me.

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; -looks around suspiciously- Just make sure he doesn't have Ellie around. I think the flowers in her hair make him dumb and woozy.

Glitch; *laughs amusedly* Well you don't seem too bad yourself ;P Well does Sal have his own turntables?

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; -shakes his head- Nope! Sal's a really good artist. He doesn't play music, but he's still pretty cool!

Glitch; *grins* Mmm yes, you gotta make sure you're the best, helping only makes you weak. Glad someone has some sense here

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; -nods and grins- Yep, yep! You're pretty cool too! But not as cool as Sal. Sal's the coolest.

Glitch; Well you gotta beat the compeition down...Helping is for the weak, but Ayden thinkds helping everyone will help her, ignore her, she's a wimp. You should talk with the tougher kids >;3

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; -smirks- Yea! You gotta be the best! Can't help other people be better, cos then they'll beat you!

Glitch; I heard you got all up in Ayden's biz, care to explain why you jerk? .n.

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; -furrows his eyebrows, purses his lips, and puffs out hs chest- I told her I didn't like helping others make music because you gotta be better than them.

Ayden; Because helping others is just and good! You can be a better person be helping other people! ;A; *runs off quietly* (she's way too sensitive xDD)

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; -shrugs and fiddles with his scarf-

Ayden; But you're helping other people make music, isn't that good enough for you? ;o;

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; -shakes his head- I don't get why helping others do things is better than making sure you are better than them.
(i think this is one of the mos t assholey things ive ever typed)

Ayden; I've tried to, I would rather make the equipment to make the music than make it myself. My friend Glitch makes music though...

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; -crosses his arms and huffs- Then it's not the same as playing it yourself!

Top three ships for each of your characters

ok for kias
callisto x mikhail (duh)
callisto x aleksei ( i shipped this a little a long time ago, but itd be cute u gotta admit)
callisto x mylo
viktor x adera (woops i spilled)
viktor x angela
viktor x eva (if only)
ramsey x remus (from the start)
i dont think i shipped anything else ahahahahahah
klavier x april
klavier x dante
klavier x vincent (hey if he was homo and not after his sister it would be fab)
jacky x tokay (yes pls)
jacky x ike ( ye s)
jacky x i hav e no clue
cain x ??????????????? i honest ly have no one to ship him with
coma x alex
coma x alex
coma x alex
freya x caesar
freya x idk not many ships for her not a lot are interested uvu
kali x courtney is the only one ive heard of and/or considered really
uh jbds
chroma x aiden thats all

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Ayden; ...It's cool because someone made this work, someone made this and it does things.... like anything else.

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; -shrugs- I guess. It's not as cool as a piano though.

Ayden; But they all do things, they make it work. *pulls out the circut board* See? this is like the phone's brain

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; -blinks and then stares at her- That's weird. I don't get why its so cool.

Ayden; You can see how it looks inside if you take it apart. *takes the cover off to see the circut board and lights and such inside*

Izzy's Place
Klavier;; Why would you wanna do that? It's not interesting.

Dante;; you /can't/ ?! o_O why!?

Klavier;; -puffs out his chest- Because it's not cool! Being scared is for weenies!

Ayden; *looks at him quietly* You unscrew the screws with the screwdriver *points to the screws*

Izzy's Place
hes like 4 or 5 for this all wowie wat a poopy)
Klavier;; -looks so confused and then starts to do what she says, screws falling out, and raises an eyebrow- Uh... What now?

Dante;; I already wear those things >3> *folds arms* so your scared of me?

Klavier;; -shakes his head- Nope! I can't be scared of anyone!


Language: English