

Ask @ayakoscharacters

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Sal: ... how did you even find out about this? ... God, Molten is going to beat your ass, you do know that, right?

klavier;; well.. uh... its something i wanna do, alright!?

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Sal: Klavier, uh, why are you, er, pursuing the career of a stripper? It's kind of unsanitary and frowned upon.

klavier;; Well.. One, I like dancing. Two, thats a lot of money I can get. Three, why not? ou<

@chars what would your ideal mate look like?

im only doing kias because im lame
callisto;; -thinks- greyish brown, hazel eyes, black hair.
viktor;; -shakes head-
ramsey;; brown! theyve gotta be a pirate. >u>
klavier;; ew no but black is a nice color. and pretty eyes are a bonus.

roxie;; - runs away sobbing - || November ;; -rolls eyes- what a cry baby

viktor;; -is faaaaar away good bye friwnds i am gone-

roxie ;; -stares realizing she somehow hurt his feelings- I dun know what I did but I is vewry sowrry ;n; -runs over and hugs him sobbing- I didin mean to do dat <:'c

Viktor;; Please leave me alone. I am not a fan of children. -pries her off and leaves-
Liked by: seiskias

roxie ;; -gasps- people actually work for money :o that sounds terrible! My maids work for me because I'm fabulous uvu

Viktor;; -upper lip twitches and he turns and walks away-

roxie ;; but I tink its cool ;3; -orders butler to get her wallet then gives viktor $1000- der i gots proof ;-;

Viktor;; -shakes his head and returns the money- I do not take charity. Money does not equal hard work when it is given out of nowhere. I prefer to work hard for money I earn on my own.

Funniest/strangest text you've ever received?

lol so my friend got really drunk and took my brothers phone and texted me "i just came from hawaii merby chustmus" three times

You didn't make a mistake, they post it publicly they're going to have to deal with others chiming in.

i kind of agree with this, but im no longer going to answer any questions on it, seeing as i butted in without any invitation

Name two songs you think are worth listening to. (provide links if possible)

trois gymnopedies by erik satie and apres moi bybregina spektor ouo

@ Calli Konstantin: You don't have cooties, do ya? qnq

Callisto;; Oh, no I do not. Cooties go away when you're older.


Language: English