

Ask @ayakoscharacters

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sorry I'm freaking out about Abel but he seems like such a dork like he has all his hair compacted into his cloak hood and then he pulls the hood down and POOF it just fluffs out and I bet you he says weird things to Raksha when they're alone

he thinks raksha is his mother reincarnated what do u think
"sorry mom i didnt have tiME to brush my hair"

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Izy;; -sticks tongue out at him- fu-.....

abel;; -unamusedly unwraps bandage over mouth and eats mac n cheese with hands-

Izy;; you are so weird and stupid @-@

abel;; -kicks izy in the shin-
hes an amnesiac gypsy prince in a modern world what do you expect

hands abel mac and cheese hELLO

abel;; -holds mac and chese and confusedly looks at it like how cheese noodles = melted cheese on noodles cheese can melt whAT-

aya don't u get sarcastic wit me the only thing I know of journey is the, uh, cover art I guess and I thought their cloaks looked similar so dun kill me

om G sorry downn
ye hes based on journey
(ask him q's guys)

im just gonne c/p what i wrote on the fc

can everyone just go and shower apple with love because she deserves it so much its not even funny
this is not a laughing matter shes amazing and i <3 her
meet abel
or wanderer as he prefers
he doesnt know his own name or gender or anything because reasons ill explain later and make a site for since im sorta lazy
all you have to know is he always wears a cloak, is covered in bandages nearly head to toe, and never speaks unless the situation absolutely calls for it
he also has a pet oryx who travels the lands with him
hes pretty nice i guess, but sort of distant unless you have bells because he loves bells also mac n cheese and toned men
he's also up for rps on skype or pm ;;) idc what kind
stILL THO IM STILL FREAKING OUT THO faints thank u appel
raksha can be founf here;; http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/041/8/e/raksha_ref_by_ayakoo_chan-d75yyfi.png

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