

Ask @ayakoscharacters

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@kias and u BC why not. favourite pokemon

i like entei typhlosion and jirachi theyre my top 3
samson;; fuCK i love pokemon aggron and tyrantrum are my CHILDREN
nima;; i like sylveon and jirachi and clefairy :)
Liked by: Kaizoku

What's your biggest fear?

callisto;; thunderstorms, theyre very unsettling.
viktor;; i hate ice. i will never stand on it even if it is to save my life. -angry russian mumbling-
ramsey;; i-uh... i actually dont know how to swim, so deep water is the scariest for me.
klavier;; i worked the hardest i could to keep from being alone in my life, but look where it's gotten me.
samson;; i don't like the dark. something about dads and halloween masks really ruins going to bed for you.
abel;; have you ever seen a stone dragon
akula;; im with samson on this one, the dark is scary as hell. also spiders.
nima;; im scared of crowded places.... its hard to stay out of sight :(((

Do you play an instrument? Which?

calli;; i can play the harp, but its been very long !
viktor;; electric guitar B)
ramsey;; i can sing pretty damn well !
klavier;; piano, harmonica, ukulele, basically anything
samson;; i lack any musical talent. somehow.
akula;; nothing woops
abel;; in my travels to kazakstan i learned to play a two stringed guitar. they taught me a song named "Freestylo" it was vry interesting
nima;; nothing here!

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Do you like to spend your free time alone or in company?

calli; i like to be alone
viktor;; i enjoy being in win's company. her fridge is very stocked up
ramsey;; i like to be in the company of my crew, and whatever man thinks they can impress me ;)
klavier;; i really hate being alone
samson;; i prefer in the company of cats
akula;; with my crew ;)
abel;; i like to cross the desert on my own. gives me time to think
nima;; i like being with other people, but i dont really have any friends :(

Where would you bury your treasure if you had some?

ramsey;; i could never tell you, after all, a pirates treasure is a secret !

What's your favorite smell?

calli;; the smell of mint tea cakes *v*
viktor;; wins perfume ;)
ramsey;; the sea after a storm !
klavier;; the old coffee shop where i used to play piano heh
samson;; pizza
abel;; the smell of cold, if it makes sense
akula;; i like flowers :0
nima;; cookies !!

What are you thankful for today?

resorts to ask.fm PLS
samson;; im thankful that griff drove me to the hospital it wouldve been a long walk :')

Why do girls' and boys' clothes have buttons on opposite sides?

way back when slaves and maids were a thing men had to button their shirts while women had slaves/maids to button their clothes and it was easier to button if the shirts had different buttons ya

heeeey congrats on winning Thanatos! just wanted to drop by and say that I totally adored your art for the competition, amazing job :o

thank you man !!!! im super psyched
i might have to tone down what i orginally had in mind for him since itd b really hard to get rps but we'll see

feelin a little trashy

send in some asks and ill answer them with doodles ?? ask my chars individually i dont wanna draw 40 heads in one picture
i need something to be distracted with


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