

Ask @ayakoscharacters

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I like playing Katamari Damacy when I get down, cause it's so happy and cheery, or Banjo Kazooie. I just like older games cause they're full of awesome atmosphere


I want Animal Crossing so bad, I am contemplating investing in a 3DS at some point, but my PC is priority though. I just feel like I wouldn't play it often if I got it xD

animal crossing is my go to if im feeling shitty bc when i dont show up in game theyre all like "omg r u ok" and warms my frozen heart

I have a DS but I get lazy and don't play it xD And I have a 360, WiiU and Xbox One so it's mostly Microsoft here xD I have an old PS1 that I play when I want to squeal at nostalgia and the older graphics that were once the benchmark

the one game i keep forgetting to play is acnl bc im rly lazy and i only just check in to make sure kidd and chief havent moved away lol

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I play PC games only cause my little bro hogs the 360 to play CoD xD I'd play the WiiU but that's a pretty casual console. So most of my gaming is PC, I have a decent PC but I'm building one that's fit for 3D rendering and gaming soo yeh

DS and PS3 are like my babies i will never deviate from them they are my life lol

It just seems a tad overwhelming to me, but I want to buy all the games, once I build my dream PC I'll have all the games and all the 3D rendering software cackles

i dont rly play pc games unless its on my desmume and even then i dont rly play on it since i just play games i own but with ar codes but my ar cart is oor until i get back to my dads lol

I'm not either, he wanted me to try Starcraft and I don't have the money, patience or time to play it xD soI play League or Smite, rarely Smite though cause no one likes it anymore xD

i like starcraft we played it at digipen and made our own levels omg it was hella fun

I did that with Smite for a long time with a guy I fancied, then he invited his girlfriend to play and it got awkward. So I play League now xD I play to blow off steam and cause it's entertaining to me

ahah nice
im not a fan of mmo/diablo type stuff so erk

League is my life now asdf I usually play more AP characters like Val'Kox, Xerath and stuffs, but I am saving to buy Gnar because he freaking turns into a behemoth omg

the guy i like asked if i wanted to play and we marathoned it for like a week during winter break with his friends and i dont play it anymore lol

cries because i thought i saw Blitzcrank on your ask whispers to the wind Leagueeee

oh ye i drew tristana and blitz for commissions 4 my buddy whos a youtuber and he needed thumbnails
i dont rly play anymore but if i do i play nami and im trying to learn vi
Liked by: happy-stabby

favorite kia? would you ever sell/trade any of them?

out of mine?? calli
calli was my first kia and i love her the most (shamelessly) i would never trade her for the world bc whenever i look at hr i always remember the time i stayed up all night twice in a row to work on her form and draw and format her website and how much fun i had to create a character with her since it was my first time id ever tried out for an impress me. i really found my limits during that comp and i was so happy whne i won i nearly cried bc i was so relieved that she was mine :0 she may be plain but i love her character the most and i love her design and her in her entirety and literally none of my characters can even come close to how important she is (theyre all still rly damn important to me tho but calli is like #1)
i dont really have a favorite kia outside mine since i wouldnt have a kia if they werent my favorite lol
i like a few but not a lot to really want to trade
in general tho klavier ramsey n nima are probably the ones im most likely to trade but i wont trade them for another kia unless im like dying to have it and there arent rly any kias that im super intent on getting

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Then we can do that :D //shot Hmm... Who would be the most likely to just wander into the woods XD

well juliet lives in the city, luci n elli live on a secluded island, and thanatos is a sniper with a mansion somewhere so

Any of yours with my new bb Izusa by chance? She needs a few roleplays <3

u gotta pick one bro or ill never choose out of mine i want to rp everyone at the same time lol

check it :)

i won my 4th plumie !!!! meet elli
genderfluid (usually goes by male, but wont be offended by other pronouns) - demisexual - rping at 13+ yrs - prefers elli as a name
elliot is a relaxed, friendly plumerian. their time on luciernaga's island has given them the opportunity to read and learn about the world, so they are very knowledgeable and quick-witted. when you first meet them, they are very quiet and will probably only respond in motions. it's only when they prove themselves not to be a threat, or luci thinks theyre okay, that they will open up and relax. they are pretty open about their life and dont really hesitate to answer questions, as long as they can ask as many as they like. unlike luciernaga, they yearn to explore the world and travel to different places to see if there are other islands like theirs. currently, they are building a ship to get them off the island more efficiently, but they have a rickety motorboat that needs constant repairs that they use. elliot can be found either in the mainland library or wandering luci's island.
send in some q's for my plumies and kias im super bored

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