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what does jacky's voice sound like - does she have an accent ?? what about trench ??

jacky does not have a big accent, but trenchs is slightly german.

Tokay;; /peeks in. Silly Derek down there, calling me weird... What a pink headed anemone. Greetings ;)

Jacky;; -screams internally- H-Hey there Tokay! How are you? It's nice to see you! Y-yea, what an anemone
-totally not freaking out wot u talkin bout-
Trench;; -out of it-

Jacky, your head lights are so pretty *u* I want them. Can I have them? I promise it won't hurt if I do it quickly.... - Syringe

Jacky;; -screams- Nope nope nope nope theyre mine pls dont touch

Trench, ah, yes... My three siblings fell at the hands of those two-legged, wretched beings. I understand the feeling and plan on protecting my friends until my last breath. They won't see what I have. I hope you find peace. - Truly, Azido

Trench;; It was interesting speaking with someone of the same views. Don't hesitate to stop by.

Jacky, YOU like TOKAY?! But he's soooooo weird. - Derek the Great

Jacky;; You got a problem with it, punk!? So what if he's weird? You're kinda weird too! With your… Pink hair! Yea, what's up with that, huh?!
Liked by: Chim

Trench, you and I have similar views. I unfortunately must fight to keep peace where my friends lay. I sometimes wish the times were different, where the only death was for the food chain. What made you feel this way? - Truly, Azido.

Trench;; I've been alive a long time. I've seen the wars and I've heard the fights. Many of my friends who had lived had been killed by the humans underwater weapons. I have been on land many times, and on many occasions, I have only seen bloodshed and hatred. My loyalties lie with no one now. Makos come and go, but I plan to stay.

Trench, what is one thing you wish to change; about yourself or perhaps the world? - Truly, Azido

Trench;; Hm. I would change everything. This world is dreary, war filled, constant anguish. Why does everyone fight? I don't know. I would keep to a world of peace. Maybe then there would be reason to leave this crevice.

Ah. That, indeed, is wonderful. They remind me of jellyfish, bright and gooey. Perhaps maybe i should visit the deep sometime when I don't have duties to do. Many interesting creatures lurk in the depths. Now I must ask Trench something. - Truly, Azido

Jacky;; Go right ahead! There's nothing much to do down here, but the sea angels are pretty.

All Adopts Question: First memory?

Coma;; I remember fireflies.
Freya;; I remember waking up in a hole, covered in blood and my leg almost torn off, but that's not too long ago. :)
Kali;; Ugh, who has time for memories?
Callisto;; I-I remember seeing my mother bake cakes when I was very young. I liked to eat the batter and she would always scold me.
Viktor;; Seeing Aleksei for the first time. I felt the weight of a responsibility, and from that day on, I made it my goal to protect.
Ramsey;; The sea! My dad would bring me on the ship when I was a baby and hold me up and tell me some day I'd sail too!
Trench;; The darkness.
Jacky;; ew. I remember my shell.
Chroma;; The first thing I remember? My real parents. The bastards that left me with some messed up people.

All Adopts Question: What do you look for in friends?

(im just gonna answer for kias jbds ceirals and makos)
Jacky;; Someone who can stand all of this
Trench;; I don't need friends.
Callisto;; Someone who can just talk? I don't like to go out very much.
Viktor;; If we have a deal, we are friend.
Ramsey;; Gotta like adventure!
Coma;; Hmf.
Freya;; You gotta wanna catch snakes >:D
Kali;; Hm, I'd rather not. My enemies are just as nice.
Chroma;; If you can stand the smell of spraypaint, lets be buddies :>

A sea angel? That sounds... interesting, considering there are no angels. Can you explain on what they look like perhaps? And I must admit, Tokay is an attracting piece of work. - Truly, Azido

Jacky;; Oh, I love them! They're small little slug things, and they have tiny wings. They glow in the dark, and you can see their insides. They're really cute! And of course, Tokay is wonderful.

All Adopts Question: What is heroic about you?

Jacky;; I'm not very heroic. Neither is Mr. Grump over there.
Trench;; nods
Coma;; I saved a bird once.
Freya;; I fight alligators and save other ceirals from their vicous teeth!
Kali;; -laughs- Do you know me?
Viktor;; I fight for freedom.
Callisto;; -looks away- This is not the question for me.
Ramsey;; Im a pirate! We're born heroes of the sea!
Heetrii; Uhm.. I don't know? I think I helped out a young dokii once when she was lost?
Aquarius;; Cowabunga. I like to help around the shack.
Chroma;; I fight off gangsters, but it doesn't exactly fall my way.

Okay okay I'll be asking questions for more than just Makos now hehehe

looking at ur new questions do yoU KNOW HOW MANY ADOPTS I HAve

Mako Question: What is your opinion of yourself?

Jacky;; I think I'm really great! I've got great physique, and a nice personality -winks-
Trench;; -shrugs- I'm a downer.

Mako Question: Any Makos you'd like to get to know?

Jacky;; Oh, well, Tokay, of course. Hmm, I haven't seen many, but maybe Azido. I don't know too much about Callimaco really, but we stick together.
Trench;; -shakes head-

Mako Question: Any other Makoatls you hate or dislike?

Jacky;; Not really? I don't know many apart from Callimaco and I've seen Tokay, as well as a few others. I don't really talk to them though, not worth my lovely time.
Trench;; -shrugs-

Mako Question: What's your favorite time of day?

Jacky;; We don't really have time of day here.
Trench;; Dusk. It's quite beautiful.

Mako Question: GASP TRENCH DID U KNOW THAT THERE IS MICROSCOPIC LIFE IN DEEP WATER O SNAP your opinion on that??? ((I'm running out of questions))

Trench;; -narrows his eyes- I meant life that I can't see.

Mako Question: What's the nicest part of your design?

Jacky;; My freckles, of course. Man, they're great!
Trench;; Hm.. I don't know. I like my hair.

Mako Question: What's the weirdest part of your design?

Jacky;; My lanterns, I guess?
Trench;; My eyes. They're a lot darker than I thought.


Language: English