

Ask @ayakoscharacters

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Eeyyyy guess what question is better than asking about crushes: Viktor, are there any failed relationships (from your site) that you regret breaking off? And are there any relationships you regret ever starting?

Viktor;; -sighs- Mostly Eva and Win. I vish I could have helped Eva more, but her personality is too much for me. Too much attitude. For Win, I vish I had not let her down and left her behind.

hey hey hey heyyy~~ Ever did something stupid and regretted it? and to Ceirals, what are your thoughts on the sickness goin' around?

Callisto;; -quietly- I-I almost jumped. Almost.
Viktor;; Many things. Fights, desicions, but mostly, leaving Aleksei behind.
Coma;; It's gross. Go away.
Freya;; It's nothing that can touch me!
Fauna;; Scary...
Kali;; If only I had thought of that!

all chars, do you like/have a crush on/have feelings for/whatever anybody? (asking mostly because of the 'truth serum' thing heheheh)

Callisto;; Mikhail is quite the attractive one. -covers mouth and blushes-
Viktor;; -shakes head-
Coma;; I have feeling for Alex, but I haven't talked to her in a long time.
Freya;; Nope.
Kali;; With or without this stupid serum, no.
Fauna;; Nah!
Aquarius;; Victoria is pretty...

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What's your favorite smell?

Callisto;; The smell of the wind after a storm, fresh and clear.
Viktor;; My home.
Coma;; The sap of trees.
Kali;; The rusty scent of blood, wouldnt you agree?
Freya;; Mud!
Fauna;; Flowers~
Aquarius;; The sea.

all those haters should go step on a lego, they don't even know you enough to be a hater. your art is freaking amazing and whoever is hating is just jelly of your amazing skills

Izzy's Place
whoa thank you but you dont have to go as far as to say the lego thing
thats like
a death sentence

-paps ayako- Don't listen to them. You haven't ever been arrogant or stuck up. Since I'm no real artist, I can't really tell you if your art is good or not, but for what it's worth, I sure do like it.

ahhh thank you downn, im glad i dont seem like im too bad, but i know i can be a jerk sometimes.

Calli: What's your least favorite cake flavor? Viktor: What's your favorite song (that's by you)?

Callisto;; I dislike the more faker flavors, like the generic birthday cake flavor >:p
Viktor;; "A star by the name of sun", or more commonly known as Zvezda pol imne Solntse.

Alva: Ok, just wanted to say something; even before I met ayako, she seemed like a pretty cool person, and god damn kind to the community. What evidence do you have to prove she's a "slut"? Honestly, all you are is an attention-seeker who has nothing better to do than attack other people.

wowow alva, thank u for being nice vuv it means a lot. i dont really get affected by hate, but its nice to know you guys care c:

man that person was a fat meanie to you B( i hope he/she falls and drowns in cuttygrass

i have no clue what cuttygrass is but i appreciate ur kindness

Well, not that my opinion makes a difference, but I like you and your art. I know we may not agree on everything but *shrug* I respect ya <3 And all them haters can piss off.

thank u talon for ur kindness c: i really dont mind them that much

I've read a few nasty comments around here recently, and I'm shocked. I don't really know you, but you don't come across as stuck up to me at all. And besides, you should be proud of your artwork, you're clearly a talented artists who deserves a little more respect.

aww wow thank you!! it really means a lot to me i really appreciate your kindness
can i clone you

heeyoooo u little punk if u think i dont know who u are i definitely do. i saw who you are a while back, and trust me, i know exactly how you dont get caught. ive blocked you because i really dont have the time to deal with immature little kids who think that they can go around saying shit.

- ayako
Liked by: windy

You are the most beautiful axolotl in a cup of hot chocolate anyone will ever EVER have the pleasure of meeting. And I really wish that stanky ass hoe who sucks and could not contain herself from announcing it four times on your ask.fm get's eaten by one. Hmph :T

thank u my friedn i appreciate it

Your art sucks, and if you think your popular because of it your wrong. It makes you seem like a wannabe bitch just like your friends. I mean best friends not close people you talk to. I hope your hands get chopped off in a car crash so you stop acting like a stuck up bitch like you always do hoe.

man idc what u think of me we all have our opinions
i never said my art is great i dont even know how to drive a car my art will get better im sure of it
and also best friends = close people you talk to
and #triggered i accidentally flipped an atv and i have nerve damage in my arm so wow way to be a jerk

Calli, whats your opinion on Viktor?

Callisto;; Well, he seems very closed off, but his music is nice. He should try to open up, although I feel like he doesn't want to salt his wounds. Ah, but who am I to say anything?
Liked by: mango sherbet

you suck you skanky ass hoe

how do u even know i am a girl im an axolotl i have no concept of "skanky ass hoe"

you suck you skanky ass hoe

ayako is not here at the moment please leave a message after karma bites you in the ass

Calli, what are your thoughts on cheesy love stuff? And any boys you like? -wiggles- ;D

Callisto;; -blushes- Ah, I adore it. To answer your second question, I'd say not in a head over heels way? There are many very attractive kias out there, but I don't know any well enough.

What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Callisto;; Omelete du fromage.
Viktor;; Simple slice of bread with butter and caviar.
Coma;; I didn't eat today.
Kali;; Your children. Nah, I'm kidding, I had fish.
Freya;; Boar >:D
Fauna;; Fruits!
Aquarius;; Sushi.

Well then, are you in love with anybody? Does someone catch your eye?

Viktor;; -shakes head- No one has caught my eye for a long time. It is mostly others after me. -lets out a sigh- Not many have had my interest either.

Viktor do you have a crush?

Viktor;; I don't have time for "crushes". After a certain age, there is no reason.


Language: English