

Ask @askmeowsyy

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Where do you find more beauty - in art, in people, or in nature?

People, nature and art in that order - because the first is a living thing and dynamic.

What do you think it's the biggest lie to believe?

My mum told me the cranes have blinking lights so that birds will not knock into them

Does anything make you literally go mad??

Clothes on the floor. People invading my personal space and privacy.

Are you back to school, university or office?

Office. Have I thought of going back to school? Many times, but financially I don’t think I can afford it unless I manage to get a scholarship. Plus a Ms. course that is practical based instead of thesis cos this sister here can’t write academically for nuts.

What’s an innocent compliment that could sound really creepy ?

I say this to people all the time, “oh I’ve seen you on social media” and I rattle off their social media handles and people seemed to be weirded out many times.

Do you trust people more nowadays or less? And why?

Yes as I grow older. I know who I can trust and I really don’t need that many confidantes in my life. I just need to keep a few close to me.

What’s a positive or negative stereotype people say about your country?

That we’re part of China? Or that it is illegal to chew gum? Or how come you speak such good English?

What's some of your family traditions?

You know those rectangular tub ice creams? We usually dig straight down, and eat our way horizontally across the box. No rolling of ice cream into balls.

What’s the one book you think everyone should be required to read?

I am a voracious reader so this is tough for me. Digital Fortress by Dan Brown or Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult.


Language: English