
Hinoa F. Arash

Ask @askhinoa

If you could go on vacation for the next month with an unlimited budget, where would you go?

More like, where *wouldn't* I go? Unlimited budget sounds to me like it's MOTHERFUCKING WORLD TOUR TIME, BITCHES

What is it you most dislike?

There are a lot of things I dislike, including (and not nearly limited to) NPR pledge drives, idiots who can't read a crosswalk signal, idiots who can't read a one-way sign, the stock market, Congress, mosquitoes, and racist fucks, but I think the worst of them all are the mosquitoes.
Seriously. Fuck those things.

If you had to cook dinner for someone tonight, what would you make?

That all depends on who I'd be making the dinner for.
If it were just in general, it'd probably be some sort of quick and easy foodstuff. Something with rice, probably. If we're talking in a more romantic context, time to pull out everything I know in the cooking game (which sadly isn't that much) and make some sort of chicken with pasta, probably put some sort of herbal sauce. Peppers, maybe? I should try that. Definitely not garlic, though.
Of course, if it's someone I hate for whatever reason, we're talking not-quite heated all the way through lasagna a la drain cleaner, with a nice white wine spiked with bleach - you know, to make it even whiter.
And if it's a "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to dine" sort of scenario, I'm just going to call in a catering company. Need my eyes on my prisoner, after all!

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What kind of music can you just not stand to listen to?

Steel Guitar Sonic Torture With Whining, better known in the vernacular as "country music." A close second place is (most) serially composed music. While democratically ensuring that each pitch has a place in the song that is no greater or less than the others' sounds great on paper (and to communists), the actual effect is that of banging your head against a piano keyboard, recording the result, and calling it art.
So basically, it's the Jackson Pollock paintings of music.

Who survives the zombie apocalypse the longest? Fidel Castro, JFK, Robert McNamara, or Richard Nxon?

JFK and Castro will form an unlikely alliance, while Nixon wanders off on his own and McNamara gets consumed almost immediately. JFK/Castro and Nixon will then have a war, with all three dying at almost the same time thanks to mismanaging their defenses. Ultimately, it's Castro that's left alive the longest, dying all of three seconds after Nixon.

Who is the most evil Kradenette in your opinion?

Kiki. See, she seems like a nice person - and that's how she gets you. Do you know why nobody's leader of Mars now? Kiki.

Hinoa, why is there an interdimensional rift walking around in the form of a dog speaking eldritch languages thought dead for millenia?

Shit. My bad.

Hiiiinooooooooooa! Can you fix my life please so that I can be rich and lazy and have servants?

I can't directly, but I suppose I could try to browbeat a genie into it. Sorry, I'm not quite *that* magic.

Hinoa, why am I staring at my opposite sex clone?

Oh boy, not another one.
I'm seeing two things happening here. First is that you were careless with genetics, and I think I know you better than to assume you'd be careless with genetics. The second one is that someone's tore down the walls of reality again and they're you from another dimension.
All things considered, don't miss this opportunity to have crazy monkey sex with yourself. It's like masturbation, except fun!

Oh god no, Loki is NEVER invited after that argument he struck up with Thor and Quetzalcoatl back in the ninth century. But that's irrelevant to the question. Zeus is being a dick again and we need to know how to shut him up. Any suggestions?

1.) Find Loki
2.) Dress Loki as a girl - the more attractive, the better, but for our purposes just fenale will suffice
4.) Profit!
The sad part is, you'd think he'd learn.

For whatever reason, Buddha is skipping out on this Tuesday's poker match. Know anyone I can call in that would be willing to sub for him at this week's poker match with varying deities and immortals?

Well, if you're looking to fill a quota of religious people, I think there's a Buddhist monk by the name of Myouren hiding around. He officially died like, back in the eighth century or so, so he's laying low. If not, then I've got nothing, and I'm sure as hell sure you're not giving that dickhead Loki another shot.

Would you rather own a luxury yacht or a private jet?

MOTHERFUCKING. YACHT. Seriously, a jet's all well and good, but half the fun's in the journey, and a yacht is like if you turned a house into a boat and made it awesome. I'd say this would be my life's goal to own a yacht, but let's be realistic here.

Good day my child, have you seen my Vicodin? I can't seem to find them.

It's on your bedstand, right next to your glasses. You know, so you wouldn't lose either of them there. *shrug*

If you were in an RPG, what would your weapon of choice be?

Hm. Tough call.
I'd say sword, but fucking everybody uses swords, so I don't really feel like joining the ranks. I'd have to go with either a sledgehammer/anime mallet thingy or a glaive/naginata/other sort of blade-onna-stick.

Who would win in a fight: pirates or ninjas?

Let's get this shitty question out of the way right the fuck now.
FOR THE LAST GORRAM TIME: Pirates and ninja would not fight. They are too similar to each other to bother. Put a ninja on a boat, and you've got a pirate. Put a pirate on land, and sometimes you might get a ninja.
'Sides, everyone knows that it's the samurai that have it fucking coming.

Who would win in a fight: Godzilla or his weight in bees?


what's more awesome vampires or werewolves?

Depends on the class of vampire and the class of werewolf. But if the word "Twilight" enters anywhere into the equation, I'll be making a call to the Hellsing Organization. Fair warning.


Language: English