
Hinoa F. Arash

Ask @askhinoa

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To the world-renowned mountain climber, Hinoa F. Arash, who once climbed Mt. Everest in nothing but a speedo. What was it like, going up the mountain?


To the bold Hinoa F. Arash, who once lost an armwrestling match to a shark. Do you have any tips for armwrestling sharks?

They will cheat. Cheat first. And if you end up losing anyway, suplex that motherfucker.

Do you show your power level (a.k.a. your anime fandom)? If so, how do you express it and to what extent do you express it? If not, why not?

Honestly, my power level's pretty low to begin with. I've not watched much anime lately, and therefore I don't need to keep it suppressed as much.

What doesn’t the World know about the country you live in?

Not a whole lot, given that I live in the US, which tends to whip its gigantic culture dong around at any chance it can. Though, protip: the US is pretty big, and it's hard to generalize about the whole thing. Expect anything.

Say, for example, the city's chi flow were equivalent to 7 gallons of water. In such a situation, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if impaled upon a stick and paraded through city?

Excuse me, flow is an amount of stuff per unit time. So is that seven gallons of water per second? Per minute? Per picosecond? And for that matter, what direction is the flow?
Really, if you think you can just manage this with a single measurement - of the wrong kind of unit, no less - you just may not be cut out for bullshitting geomancy.
That being said - what makes you think I'm being entirely truthful myself? Do you think I'd go about asking other people this exact question if I knew?

ssdoomshipshipping? who else is involved in that one? is it hinoa/doomtrain?

It's a ship. Like, you know, the kind that floats on water. The other kind is just stupid.

In that case, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if impaled upon a stick and paraded through city?

Depends on the city's chi flow.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if impaled upon a stick and paraded through town?

Trick question, you need to parade it through a city for there to be any effect.

Can I have your butt?

Dood. I don't just hand my butt out to just anyone. You have to earn the privilege of having my butt. Get cracking, anon.

So I've fillled out all theforms. In triplicate. Can we murder now?

I'm sorry, Form 28-DWX was filled out in purple ink, whereas regulations explicitly require it to be done in black, blue, or violet ink. Yes, that's violet and not purple, no they aren't the same, deal with it. In addition, I don't have an Ancardia Boarding Pass on file for you, and I know one of those forms is on Ancardia. So you've illegally obtained a form, and that gets you punted off of Jupiter Lighthouse.
What, you thought I was punting you off of Ancardia? Too bad, Waluigi time.

Do you approve of Homura hatin?

I'm not sure why anyone would want to turn Homura into a hat. I mean, isn't she rather large for that?

Can we murder certain jovians for fucking up

Hm. You're going to need at least twenty forms, all of them found in different offices around Jupiter Clan territory, and that's before going into filing paperwork for boarding Ancardia to file the paperwork. And yes, it has to be in triplicate. It's the only way to be sure.

CAN you fix Squee's FUCKING IT UP

I can't rewind time, dood, only pause it for five seconds. You're going to have to reconstruct the thing from scratch. Just dig down into your inner crack writer and bring forth the terrible, and unleash it upon the world like a gushing font of -- aaaand we're stopping there before it gets *too* gay

The boots are all made in slave factories in China, your practice of booting people in the head is supporting slavery! You support slavery! Hinoa F. Arash is a slavery apologist and beneficiary! What does it feel like to be Hinoa right now?

My extremely well thought-out and measured response is this: Why do you hate America?

Are all the boots you throw and people's "head(sp?)" made in China?

I'm not picky, tbh. Though what makes you think I *throw* them?

Do you use Ea for more than destroying uiniverses, King of Heroes?

You seem to have meant to ask Boyd. He's three doors down the hall (and not on Ask). Then again, I've got the Venus Treasury key because Ryu's too lazy to pay me trademark fees, so I *could* get it...


Language: English