
Ashraff Nazrin

Ask @AshraffNazrin

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she's only 17..and that guy is just 18.how can they possibly get married?too young plus that guy seems to like someone else a.k.a one of our other friend..

How old is saiditina Aisya when she get married? :). For me, if your friend likes someone it's normal. But please tell her to stay far from him. Don't get close and don't confess except by using her parents. Because it will looks like her women pride is so cheap.

I have a friend.My friend has a crush and she seems like she can't handle her feelings.I mean she keep on stalking her crush.we tried to advice her to keep her distance but she refuse to listen to us.what should we do now?should we just ask her crush to confront her and tell her to stop?help us..

It is better she keep stalking her crush than confess. How old is she? Ready to get marry? If yes, ask her to tell her parents and her parents should make a move. If not, try anything your best to keep her from that guy. If cars need distance for safety, we also need a distance between male and female.

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Salam. macam mana nak elak dari riak? i'm afraid

Istighfar. Kalau rasa nak ibadat tapi takut riak, itu adalah riak. Cara dia istighfar je banyak banyak :)

Hi, I'm not a Muslim but I wish to learn Arabic. Can you give advices?

Try to learn simple words for your first step. Root words. Like chair, car, table, pen, and so on. If you got that basic, find a teacher to teach you the next step. Honestly, I'm impress. Cause I'm a muslim and I still can't speak arabic. But you're willing to learn. Goodluck! :)
Liked by: Waana Luna de Lula

waalaikumsalam.maksudnya dia cuma boleh biarkan je rambutnya menggerbang?

Yup. Saya dengar ni masa kuliah dekat masjid KLiA. Tak hensem? Pendekkan lah rambut. Mesti hensem :)

Hi.lelaki boleh rambut panjang right?

Assalamualaikum :) boleh asalkan jangan menyerupai perempuan. Haram ikat rambut sbb itu perhiasan perempuan.

macam mana nak handle haters?

Rasa pernah jawab dulu. Senyum. Dan pretend apa yg diorang buat tu as a joke. Kalau tak boleh, luahkan kat diorang. Kalau tak boleh jugak, abaikan. Tujuan hidup bukan nak puaskan hati manusia.

Faci,ade org kata kenyit mata uh amalan orang yahudi mempersendakan islam.Betul ke?

Aduh, wallahualam. La adri. Mungkin boleh tanya ustaz. Asif :)

org kata kalau tpk tgn kanan/kiri gatal, tandanya nak dpt duit. boleh ke percaya benda mcm ni?

Itu lah susahnya orang melayu. Semua ni main akidah. Kita percaya Allah pemberi rezeki. Buat apa percaya tangan gatal yang sebab salah sendiri tak basuh tangan pakai sabun?

Adakah anda mengenali mereka? Nadhirah hadi. Kaa Dabri. Rehan Azman. Mastura Manap?

Rehan azman tu kawan dkat ask.fm

not bad la. Macam dah upgrade more than more and much much more :)

Praises are like sugar. That's why we don't need it much. :) all praises to Allah

apa nak buat kalau org asik nak jatuhkan kita?

Teruskan apa yg kita buat. Kalau ada yg nak jatuhkan maksudnya dia dibawah kita.


Language: English