

Ask @artiMystic

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U r so very talented and beautiful. Who do u take after? Yr mom or dad?

thank you! both my parents contributed to my distinct traits ><

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How old were you when you started playing video games?

Pretty young actually I was obsessed with PC games for a long time and I still am

If you could go on a roadtrip with any person, who would you choose and where would you go?

my potatoes, to infinity and beyond thats where we will go <3

What do you think is the greatest problem facing the teenagers of today?

they think being popular and fitting into society is their number one priority. They think having a boyfriend/girlfriend is cool and etc. and i persnally think that us teenagers need to be concerned for more important things, like HELLO OUAT AND SHERLOCK HIATUS!
Liked by: Janagi HOOPLA

If you could have one wish what would you wish for?

for books that when you open then they transport you to their world and you can change the plot, live with the characters and stay as long as you want. You can even fall in love with the fictional characters you love.
Liked by: Janagi HOOPLA

What's the best movie you've seen lately?

you dont just ask a movie person their best movie that is like asking you what is the best food you have tasted!


hahahahahahahahaha NO
i dare any guy to withstand me in a relationship may the odds be ever in your favour ><

What would you suggest everyone to try?

Dancing, you don't have to be professional. Even the classic Bollywood moves is good enough. As long as you have fun dancing, that is the most important part. Don't be a wallflower in a party and just do them moves ain't nobody got time to judge you!
Liked by: Janagi HOOPLA

Do you remember your first friend?

Hahaha of course! Rubber duck fight in the pool kick started our friendship when we were 2 XD

What’s one mistake you keep repeating?

Saying something before thoroughly thinking. It doesn't happen all the time but when it does I feel absolutely terrible.

When was the last time you saw an animal in the wild?

Go to any one of my family functions you will see plenty ;)

what are the best things that you and your fellow potatoes have done this that you can NEVER forget?

Hahahaha this truth or dare game we played at one of our houses, it was her birthday party. We had to pass the parcel until it stopped at someone, and they had to do either truth or dare depending on what it says after unwrapping one layer. It started off innocent then it just went bonkers, but heck it was the best moment of our life!

Which gives you the most pleasure - giving presents or receiving them?

I would say giving more than receiving. I just enjoy to see that person's face light up when I give them a gift they cherish

Would you date yourself if you were someone else?

Oh heck yes I dont see why not
That other me would never hurt me because that other me would know me at the tip of their fingers

hey! haha I was the anon :P don't feel bad about what happened in the past. its the past and it's over and what's important is that you learnt from it :D

Owh it was you esh! Haha yeah I should forget it I gotta but the behind in the past LOl #lionking
Liked by: HOOPLA


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