

Ask @artiMystic

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Look in the mirror. What do you see?

Is that girl I seeeeeee
Staring there
Back at me?

If you could go back in time to talk to yourself, what would you say?

You're doing good, cuz wait till you see yourself in the future, you are amazing just the way you are

Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with?

I have been stuck in an elevator
With my brothers
We played games and just sat down there for two hours. It was funnnn

What helps you to make the right decision?

My mum. She is a lot of help
Not to forget my dad too. He explains the right decision so there :)

What is your favorite music band?

Lately I have this huge thing for this heavy metal band Red. Go check them out :)

If you could only see three people for the rest of your life who would it be?

Good lord. That's difficult.
That's REALLY difficult.
Okay here goes my mum, my dad and my brothers.
They are twins they came out at one go so that counts as one. #DontJudge

hahhaaha.....i bless ur butt to becum more big :P

Ok hold up I don't want the Grand Canyon behind me in good with what I have now

Are you in Love?

Yeah it's an ongoing relation ship you know... Me and male fictional characters.
Me and dance.
Me and music.

What is the most popular lie, people tell to each other?

"Yeah dude I am on my way give me 10 minutes."
*ends call*
*gets up from bed*


Language: English