

Ask @andinakukaj

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I can't be as social as a butterfly because I never have anything to say

Just be friendly and awkward is cute sometimes, shoottttt me being awkward is what helps me get friends haha

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I just feel like if I were more social id have to opportunity of meeting more people

If that's what you want then just go out there and be friendly dude! It's awesome meeting new people so go out there and be a social butterfly lol

Why do you say that

Because some girls don't just go after how "social" you are or any of that shit, don't freaking change yourself just to impress the ladies

My phone is on 7% I just might die with it

Stop being dramatic anon, you will be fine!! Just go find a charger lol

Like I want a girl that could cuddle with on a saturday night on the couch and just watch a movie getting sick of going out with the guys and partying

That's so cute haha yeah sometimes all the partying just isn't fun anymore

It's just so hard for me to understand who you can be with the same person for years!!! Like id love to feel that way about a person but I just don't see it happening

SAME. HERE. I feel exactly the same way ahha I feel like I'd get bored of the person to be honest :/

Right?!?!?! And when I start drifting away they don't get it and I feel and but I refuse to fake feelings. I thought you'd think I was an asshole for saying that but you agree with me!!! No one else gets it they think I'm a douchebag for feeling that way

Hahaha trust me, I totally understand! People call me a bitch for doing that but honestly I'd rather keep it real than be fake lol

Yeah I've been with a few girls that played somewhat the role of girlfriends but never made it official and I got sick of them really quick lol I can't imagine being married

I FEEL YOU!!! Dude, is it bad that I honestly just get soo bored of people? I can't see myself commit in a relationship let alone marriage lol

I'm not talking about a specific girl btw.....I haven't found her yet.....never will I'm already picturing myself as an old man in a rocking chair alone

I know that haha and you will, have freaking faith in yourself! And even if you do end up in a rocking chair alone, you literally rock that freaking rocking chair like the boss that you are
Liked by: Keri Toney


Language: English