

Ask @andinakukaj

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What would be the best job ever for you?

Traveling the world and getting paid for doing so. A job like Samantha Brown from Travel Channel basicallyyy lol

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What chocolate is your favorite?

I LOVE ANY CHOCOLATE OMG especially milk chocolate with almonds! However, I hate dark chocolate...dark chocolate is disgusting

What is the most dangerous animal?

Umm tiger? Shark? Not really sure, a lot of animals are dangerous lol

Hey common don't say that from 1 to 10 you are a billion because you are the coolest girl in the world.

You're adorable anon hahah why thank you, I tryyyy :')

I don't know why this happens to me i call every girl in my school beautiful and help them the all time while all of them make fun of me for being ugly.

You're most likely just not their type, that's the thing and some girls are douchebags so don't take it so personally...just start talking to girls from other schools, just because the girls at your school are being ridiculous doesn't mean that all girls are like that or think like them

Every girl keeps calling me ugly and everyone at school keeps bullying me i swear i cant take this no more.

Screw those bitches, they usually don't know beauty when they see it to be honest. Keep your head up high, this is just one obstacle in life that you will prevail. Trust me. And I bet you're freaking adorable and while those girls are calling you "ugly", there are other people who are actually attracted to you and find you beautiful

What celebrity annoys you the most?

A lot of celebrities annoy me but one of them is def. Kim Kardashian

Well we got history and english.

UCONN? Only a few people know I'm taking UCONN History lol you sure you got the right person?

Dont worry you know me its just that we havent had any classes this year together thats why we havent talked.

Ok then, what classes do we have together next year?

It doesnt matter that's in the past important thing is that we'll be friends next year.

How am I gonna be friends with you if I don't know who you are?

Last time we talked you called me ugly and annoying so we just stopped talking.

Correction sir, I don't call people ugly. I've called loads annoying but ugly, no way brethren. You've probably mistaken me for someone else

All i know is that our senior year we're gonna be really good friends and we'll get to know each other a little better because i havent talked to you in a year.

You're so sure of yourself but I'm really curious now! Which classes do you have next year?

Why are you so fed up with people ? I saw it on your twitter

Because they always let me down and people just suck. Whenever you need someone to be there, they usually never are. All some people do is just create unneeded drama in my life and I'm sick of it. People just always do me dirt basically but I see that you know my twitter account, enjoy haha

You already are famous for being the most amazing and beautiful girl in the world.

Haha thank youuu, that's too cute but who are you kind anon? Let a nigga know please!


Language: English