

Ask @andinakukaj

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You wanna know why you're so perfect, its because you are just naturally beautiful without makeup or anything, its like an angel created you, but you are seriously really beautiful.

You're making me all emotional and shit stahppp lol I'm not perfect at all but seriously who are you? Thank you so damn much duuude it means a lot <3

You're perfect in every way, from the way you act to the words you say to the way you look which you are so beautiful.

Awww this seriously just made my freaking day, I'm farrrrr from perfect but thank you so much! I appreciate the compliments kind anon <3

What sound annoys you the most?

A grown ass teenager talking in a baby voice or when people chew their food like freaking cows

Till what age would you like to live and why?

80's because I feel like I've fully lived life by then

How does the Internet influence your life?

Greatlyyyy, I'm on it every single damn day all day...it's literally my life not even kidding

If you could be the leader of your country, what would you change?

Umm taxes and I'd make all the changes it takes to promote equality amongst the people in the U.S...basically asking for the impossible lol

Why do some people enjoy life and others don’t?

I'm not really sure but I do know that everyone wants to enjoy life in the end of the day since life is short and for those people who aren't enjoying it, there must be some type of obstacle in their way that's stopping them from fully enjoying life

What is your busiest day of the week?

Tuesday since that's usually when I do my Physics labs that are due the next day -_-

What's the worst movie ever?

It's this Albanian movie whose name I can't think of but it's so damn fake and horrible omg

That's one of the most beautiful songs ever.

Yessss I freaking love that song and I love Lanaaaaa <3

What is your favorite song?

That's literally one of the hardest questions to answer but currently one of my favorite songs is Ride by Lana Del Rey <3

How much wood could a would chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

That's the thing, he wouldn't be able to chuck any wood which is why we will never know how much wood a wood chuck could chuck

If you could name a star in the galaxy what would you name it?

I would name it "Bad Bitch" just because I can...or I would name it my name lol


Language: English